CS 8th sem Web Engineering Syllabus CS 802 Web Engineering Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV CS -802 Web Engineering Syllabus
Computer Science and Engineering CS 8th Semester Syllabus,

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engineering, VIII Semester. 
Course: CS 802 Web Engineering( Proposed)

An Introduction to Web Engineering,
History of web Development, Time line, Motivation, Categories of Web Applications, Characteristics of Web Applications. Evolution and  Need for Web Engineering, Web Engineering Models, Software Engineering v/s Web Engineering . World Wide Web: Introduction to TCP/IP and WAP, DNS, Email, TelNet, HTTP and FTP. Introduction to Browser and search engines, Search fundamentals, Search strategies,  Directories search engines and Meta search engines, Working of the search engines , Miscellaneous Web Browser details, Introduction to Web Servers: Features  of web servers, caching, case study-IIS, Apache, Configuring web servers.

UNIT- 2      
Information Architecture: The role of the Information Architect, Collaboration and Communication, Organizing Information, Organizational Challenges, Organizing Web sites parameters and Intranets
Creating Cohesive Websites: Conceptual Overview Website Development, Website Design issues, Conceptual Design, High-Level Design, Indexing the Right Stuff,  Grouping Content. Architectural Page Mockups, Design Sketches, Navigation Systems. Searching Systems Good & bad web design, Process   of Web Publishing. Phases of   Web   Site development, enhancing your web-site, submission of website to search engines

Web security issues, security audit of websites, Web effort estimation, Productivity, Measurement, Quality usability and reliability.

Requirements Engineering for Web Applications: Introduction, Fundamentals, Requirement Source, Type, ,Notations Tools.  Principles Requirements Engineering Activities , Adapting RE Methods to Web Application. 

Technologies for Web Applications: HTML and DHTML, HTML Basic Concepts, Static and dynamic HTML, Structure of HTML documents, HTML Elements, Linking in HTML, Anchor Attributes, Image Maps, Meta Information, Image Preliminaries, Layouts, Backgrounds, Colors and Text, Fonts, Tables, Frames and layers, Audio and Video Support with HTML

Database integration, CSS, Positioning with Style sheets, Forms Control, Form. Elements. Introduction to CGI PERL, JAVA SCRIPT, PHP, ASP , Cookies Creating and Reading Cookies 

Technologies for Web Applications:
Introduction of XML, Validation of XML documents, DTD, Ways to use XML, XML for data files, HTML Vs XML, Embedding XML into HTML documents, Converting XML to HTML for Display, Displaying XML using CSS and XSL, Rewriting HTML as XML,Relationship between HTML, SGML and XML, web personalization , Semantic web, Semantic Web Services, Ontology.

E- Commerce, E-commerce Business
Models, The Internet and World Wide Web: E-commerce Infrastructure, Building an E-commerce Web Site , Electronic Commerce environment and opportunities. Modes of Electronic Commerce, Approaches to safe Electronic Commerce ,Electronic Cash and Electronic Payment Schemes ,Online Security and Payment Systems, E-commerce Marketing Concepts, Advertising on the Internet: issues an Technologies, E-commerce Marketing Concepts Electronic Publishing issues, approaches, legalities and technologies ,Privacy and Security Topics: Introduction, Web Security , Encryption schemes, Secure Web document, Digital Signatures and Firewalls, Cyber crime and laws, IT Act.  
1. At least ten practical experiments based on above syllabus and a mini project is desirable to be completed by a group of three that cover following tools.
• Java Script, CGI, PERL

Recommended  Books:
1.  Roger S.Pressman, David Lowe, “Web Engineering”, Tata Mcgraw Hill   Publication, 2007 
2.  Achyut S Godbole and Atul Kahate, “Web Technologies”, Tata McGraw Hill
3.  Gopalan N P ,Akilandeswari “Web Technology: A Developer s Perspective” , PHI 
4.  NEIL GRAY “Web server Programming” WIley 
5.  CHRIS BATES Web Programming :Building Internet applications Wiley
6.  Moller, “An Introduction to XML and Web Technologies” , Pearson Education  New Delhi, 2009
7.  Beginning XML 4th Edition Hnter, Refter, Fawset Wiley India
8.  Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, Pearson education, 3rd edition, by: H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel,   A.B. Goldberg.
9.  C. Xavier, “Web Technology & Design ”, Tata McGraw Hill. 
10  Ivan Bay Ross, “HTML,DHTML,Java script,Perl CGI” , BPB

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