CE505 Theory of Structure -I CE 5th sem CIVIL Engineering(CE) 5th Semester RGTU/RGPVSyllabus

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CE 505 Theory of Structure -I Syllabus  
 RGTU/RGPV Theory of Structure -I Syllabus 
CIVIL Engineering(CE) 5th - Fifth Semester Syllabus 

CE505 Theory of Structure -I Course Contents:

Unit. I
Virtual work and Energy Principles: Principles of Virtual work applied to deformable bodies, strain energy and complementary energy, Energy theorems, Maxwell’s Reciprocal theorem, Analysis of  Pin-Jointed frames for static loads.

Unit. II
Indeterminate Structures-I : Static and Kinematics indeterminancy, Analysis of Fixed and continuous beams by theorem of three moments, Effect of sinking and rotation of supports, Moment distribution method (without sway)

Unit. III
Indeterminate Structures - II : Analysis of beams and frames by slope Deflection method, Column Analogy method.

Unit. IV
Arches and Suspension Cables: Three hinged arches of different shapes, Eddy’s Theorem, Suspension cable, stiffening girders, Two Hinged and Fixed Arches - Rib shortening and temperature effects.

Unit. V
Rolling loads and Influence Lines: Maximum SF and BM curves for various types of Rolling loads, focallength, EUDL, Influence Lines for Determinate Structures- Beams, Three HingedArches.

Reference Books:
1. Ghali A & Neville M., Structural Analysis - A Unified classical and matrix Approach, Chapman and Hall, New York.
2. Wang C.K. Intermediate structural analysis, McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Kinney Streling J. Indeterminate structural Analysis, Addison Wesley.
4. Reddy C.S., Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.
5. Norris C.H., Wilbur J.B. and Utkys. Elementry Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill International, Tokyo

CIVIL Engineering(CE) 5th - Fifth Semester other Syllabus
CE501 Transportation Engineering – II  Syllabus  
CE502 Advanced Surveying Syllabus
CE503 Fluid Mech. – II Syllabus
CE504 Structural Design & Drawing – I (RCC) Syllabus

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