CE502 Advanced Surveying CE 5th sem CIVIL Engineering(CE) 5th Semester RGTU/RGPVSyllabus

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CE502 Advanced Surveying Syllabus  
 RGTU/RGPV Advanced Surveying Syllabus 
CIVIL Engineering(CE) 5th - Fifth Semester Syllabus 

CE502 Advanced Surveying Course Contents:

Modern equipments for surveying : Digital levels and theodolites, Electronic Distance measurement(EDM), Total Station and Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Digital Plannimeter .

Surveying Astronomy: Definitions of astronomical terms, coordinate systems for locating heaven ly bodies, geographic, g eodetic, geocentric, Cartesian, local and projected coordinates for earth resources mapping, convergence of meridian, parallel of latitude, shortest distance between two points on the earth, determination of latitude and lon gitude.

GPS Surveying: Introduction & components of GPS, Space segment, control seg ment and user segment, Elements of Satellite based surveys-Map datums, GPS receivers, GPS observation methods and their advantages over conventional methods.
Digital Terrain Model (DTM) : Topographic representation of the terrain and generation of DTM on computers using spot heights and contour maps.

Photogrammetry : Principle, definitions and classifications of terrestrial and aerial photogrammentry, flight planning for aerial photography, scale and relief displacements of vertical aerial photographs, stereoscopic vision on vertical photographs, computation of position, length and elevations of objects using photographs and photo mosaic.

Remote Sensing: Principle, components, classification, remote sensing data acquisition process, different types of remote sensing satellite imagery with special relevance to Indian
Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) and applications. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) : Definition, components and advantages.
Surveying Project - Student will go for one week Surveying Camp to carry out Project Work.

1. Surveying and Leveling-Part-I & II by T.P. Kanetkar and S.V. Kulkarini, Pune Vidyarthi Griha  rakashan, Pune
2. Engineering Surveying : Theory and Examination Problems for Students by W. Schofield, Butterworth, Heinemann,Oxford.
3. Surveying: Problems Solving with theory and objective type questions by A.M. Chandra, New Age
International Publishers N. Delhi.
4. Advance Surveying by A.M. Chandra, New Age International Publishers N. Delhi.
5. Surveying Vol. II by S.K. Duggal, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.
6. Remote Sensing and image interpretation by Lillesand T.M. and Kiefer R.W.

CIVIL Engineering(CE) 5th - Fifth Semester other Syllabus
CE501 Transportation Engineering – II  Syllabus  

CE503 Fluid Mech. – II Syllabus  
CE504 Structural Design & Drawing – I (RCC) Syllabus  
CE 505 Theory of Structure -I Syllabus

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