EE 4th sem Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion –I syllabus RGTU/RGPV Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion –I syllabus

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EE-404 Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion –I  Syllabus
 RGTU/RGPV Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion –I  SYLLABUS
Electrical Engineering EE 4th Semester Syllabus,

Unit I Transformer: Review of single phase transformer, Phasor diagram, Equivalent circuits, voltage regulation, short circuit and open circuit tests, Back to back test and performance evaluation, parallel operation and load sharing, Tap changers effect of saturation on magnetizing current, Ferroresenance, 3-phase transformers & their connections , constructional features, winding arrangements, cooling, conservators, breathers, buckhloz relay, Scott connections, Autotransformers, Pulse and high frequency transformers.

Unit II D.C. Machines: Review of constructional features. Methods of excitation, Armature reaction,  Commutation, Interpoles & compensating winding, Power, EMF and torque equations,- Operation as generator - Self-excitation principles. Characteristics,

Unit III DC Motor: Operation of D.C. Machines as motor, characteristics. Starting, speed control including solid state controllers, Braking . Losses, Efficiency. Power flow diagram for generator & Motor,Direct testing, Swinburne’s test & Hopkinson’s Test on DC Machines,  applications of dc Machines.

Unit IV: Three phase Induction motor: Constructional details. Production of EMF, steady state analysis, equivalent circuit, Phasor diagram, power flow diagram and torque-speed & power speed characteristics, circle diagram. 

Unit V Three phase Induction motor : Starting Methods, Power factor Control. Speed control schemes including solid state. Braking. Effect of  space/time harmonics and analysis. Crawling & Cogging, Double cage & Deep bar Indication Motor  Testing,  Losses and Efficiency, effect of unbalanced supply, Induction generators.

RGTU/RGPV Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion –I References:
1. Nagrath and Kothari; Electrical Machines; TMH
2. Langs dorf; A.C. Machines.
3. Dr.P.S.Bimbhra; Electrical Machines; Khanna Publisher
4. Ashfaq Hussain; Electrical Machines; Dhanpat Rai Publication.
5. M. G. Say; Alternating Current Machines’, (5th Ed.) ELBS, 1986.
6. M.G.Say and E.O.Taylor; Direct Current Machines Second Ed., ELBS, 1985.
7. V.Del Toro; Electrical Machines & Power Systems, 1985, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs.
8. V.Del Toro; Electromechanical Devices for Energy Conversion & Control Systems, PHI Pvt. Ltd.

RGTU/RGPV Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion –I  List of Experiments (Expandable):
1. To perform open circuit and short circuit test on 1-phase and 3-phase transformer and determine its equivalent circuit parameters.
2. To perform open circuit and short circuit test on 1-phase and 3-phase transformer and determine its efficiency and regulation at.
  • i  Full load at unity power factor.
  • ii Full load at zero power factor lead and lag.
  • iii Half the full load at 0.8 power factor lead and lag.
3. Perform Sumpner’s test on 2 Single phase Transformers.
4. To perform the parallel operation of two, 1-phase transformer and observe load sharing.
5. To perform the No load and block rotor test of 3-phase induction motor and to determine its equivalent circuit parameters.
6. To perform the No load and block rotor test of 3-phase induction motor to draw the circle diagram.
7. To perform the load test on 3-phase induction motor and draw its performance characteristic
8. Swinburn’s test on D.C. motor & determine its efficiency.
9. To perform  speed control of D.C. motor.
10. To plot OCC on a separately excited D.C. Generator.
11. Perform load test on D.C. Generator. 

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