ME 302 Strength & Mechanics of Deformable Materials Syllabus RGPV/RGTU (ME) Mechanical Engineering BE 3rd Third semester Syllabus

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Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
Course: ME 302 Strength & Mechanics of Deformable Materials Syllabus
B.E. (ME) Mechanical Engineering 3rd Third III SEMESTER
Revised syllabus and Scheme of Examination effective from July 2007 updated on august 2010

UNIT I Mechanical properties of materials: Ductility, malleability, hardness, toughness, fatigue, creep; behavior of materials under tension, compression, bending, shear; ductile and brittle materials, failure of MS and CI in tension and torsion Stress and strain: stresses in members of a structure, axial loading, normal stress, shear stress, bearing stress, analysis of simple structures, stress on oblique plane under axial loading, stepped rods, members in series and parallel: stress strain diagram, Hooke’s law, modulus of elasticity, elastic and plastic behavior of materials, deformation under axial loading, statically indeterminate problems, stress due to temperature, Poisson’s ratio, Bulk modulus, shear strain, relation among elastic constants, residual stress, fiber reinforced composite materials

UNIT II Transformation of stress and strain, principal stresses, normal and shear stress, Mohr’s circle and its application to two and three dimensional analysis, ductile and brittle failures, transmission shaft under combined bending and torsion; stresses in thin walled pressure vessel

UNIT III Torsion in shafts: stresses in a shaft, deformation in circular shaft, angle of twist, steppedhollow, thin walled-hollow transmission shafts Leaf springs; Helical springs, open and closed coil, stress in spring wire, deflection of helical spring, springs in series and parallel.

UNIT IV Bending: pure bending, symmetric member, deformation and stress, bending of composite sections, eccentric axial loading, shear force and BM diagram, relationship among load, shear and BM, shear stresses in beams

UNIT V Theories of failures: maximum normal stress & shear stress theory; maximum normal and shear strain energy theory; maximum distortion energy theory; application of theories to different materials and loading conditions Columns: stability of structures, Euler’s formula for columns with different end conditions, Rankin’s formula.

1. Beer FP, Johnson ER, Dewolf JT : Mechanics of Materials; TMH
2. Rattan; Strength of materials; TMH
3. Nash William; Schaum’s Outline of Strength of Materials; TMH.
4. Negi ; strength of materials; TMH
5. Singh Arbind K; Mechanics of Solids; PHI
6. Strength of Materials, Sadhu Singh,
7. Kamal K and Ghai RC; Advanced Mechanics of Materials; Khanna Pub.

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