BE 301 Engineering Mathematics-III (M3) Syllabus RGPV/RGTU BE 3rd Third semester Syllabus

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Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
Course: BE 301 Mathematics-III Syllabus
BE 3rd Third III SEMESTER Syllabus
Revised syllabus and Scheme of Examination effective from July 2007

BE 301 Engineering Mathematics-III Syllabus RGPV/RGTU BE 3rd Third semester Syllabus

Unit 1 Functions of Complex Variables: Analytic functions, Harmonic Conjugate, Cauchy - Riemann Equations, Line integral, Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's Integral formula, Singular points, Poles and Residues, Residue theorem, Evaluation of Real Integral, Bilinear Transformation.

Unit 2 Numerical Analysis: Difference operators, Errors and Approximations, Interpolation, Inverse interpolation, Numerical differentiation, Numerical Integration by using Simpson’s method, Weddel’s rule and Gauss legendre open quadrate formula.

Unit 3 Solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations( Regular False, Newton-Raphson, Iterative, Graffe’s root squaring methods), Solutions of simultaneous algebraic equations, Solutions of ordinary differential equations ( Tailor’s Series, Picard’s Method, Modified Euler’s method, Runge Kutta Method, Predictor-Corrector Method), Solution of Partial differential equation.

Unit 4 Introduction to optimization by linear programming, only two variable problems solution by graphical and simplex method, concept of degeneracy and duality; simple three variable transport and assignment problems and modeling into LPP.

Unit 5 introduction to Q theory and Markovian process, time independent property of exponential distribution, solution of only M/M/1 (//FCFS) Queues; introduction to design of experiments, factorial design, sampling methods, Taguchi Loss Function, robust design methods, variance reduction and six (±3)! outliers in quality.

1. Kreyszig E; Advanced Engineering Mathematics; Wiley Eastern Limited.
2. Ramana BV; Higher Engineering Mathematics; TMH
3. Grewal BS; Higher Engineering Mathematics; Khanna Publisher.
4. Taha H; Operations Research an Introduction; PHI
5. Ross; Taguchi techniques for Quality engineering, TMH
6. Spiegel; Theory and problems of probability and statistics; TMH
7. Chandrasekharaiah DS; Engineering Maths Part II & III; Prism Books Pvt.
8. Johnson; Miller and Freund’s Probability and statistics for Engineers; PHI.
9. Jaggi, Mathur; Engineering Mathematics; Khanna Publisher.

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