RGPV / RGTU TX 404 Yarn Manufacturing-II Revised syllabus Textile Engineering TX

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Tags: RGPV, BE, TX syllabus, Yarn Manufacturing-II syllabus, B.E. Textile Engineering, TX IV Semester syllabus, TX 4th Semester syllabus, RGPV TX 404 syllabus

Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
B.E. (TX) Textile Engineering
404 Yarn Manufacturing-II syllabus
Revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination Effective from July 2007

Unit 1 Draw frame Object of drawing, constructional details of draw frame, concept of perfect drawing, different drafting systems, monitoring and auto leveling of irregularities.

Unit 2 Draw frame blending, recent developments, performance assessment, idea of setting, speed and other technical parameters. Calculations related to draft, production etc. Defects and remedies, supervisory check points.

Unit 3 Combing Lap preparation, Lap former, setting, speed and recent developments, production calculations, Methods of Lap preparations and its importance.

Unit 4 Object of combing, construction and principle of working, function of different motions, combing cycles, different types of combers, different setting points and speeds. Calculation related to production, noil %, draft etc. Recent developments, assessment of comber performance, control of waste, Defects and remedies, supervisory check points.

Unit 5 Speed frame Object of speed frame, construction and principle of working, details of speed frames. Drafting, twisting winding and building mechanism, Speed and setting points, latest developments, Different types of flyers and suspended type of speed frame Calculation related to speed, draft, production, performance assessment, defects and remedies, supervisory check points.

1. --;Manual of Cotton Spinning Vol. 3–Text. Institute.
2. Klein; The Textile Institute – Short Staple Spinning Series.
3. Taggart; Cotton Spinning Calculations.
4. Venkatasubramani; Spun Yarn Tech. Vol. 3.
5. Khare AR; Elements of Carding & Drawing.
6. Khare AR; Elements of Combing.
7. Cotton Combing – Gilbert Merrill
8. Cotton Drawing and Roving – Gilbert Merrill
9. Drawing, Combing and Roving – Z.S. Szaloki
10. Electronics Controls for Textile Machines – Hiren Joshi, Gouri Joshi, NCUTE Pub.2002
11. Cotton Spinning – Taggart

List of Experiments (Pl. expand it):
An elaborate study of Drawframe, Comber and Speed frame, constructional details, setting and gauging, controls and change places, Calculations of speeds, drafts, production

1. To study the general features of a draw frame, Draw the drafting arrangement of the draw frame.
2. Draw the gearing diagram of draw frame and calculate break draft, main draft, total draft, draft constants, creel draft.
3. Study the machine, material and man safety devices in draw frame.
4. To study the general features of a speed frame. Draw the drafting arrangement of the speed frame.
5. Draw the gearing diagram of speed frame and calculate break draft, main draft, total draft, draft constants, creel draft.
6. To study the building mechanism of a speed frame.
7. To study the twisting mechanism and to calculate the twist constants and spindle speed based on the gearing diagram.
8. Study the machine, material and man safety devices in speed frame.

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