RGTU/RGPV MCA-302 Software Engineering Methodologies Syllabus MCA 3rd sem Software Engineering Methodologies Sylabusl

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RGTU/RGPV MCA-302 Software Engineering Methodologies Syllabus
MCA 3rd Sem Software Engineering Methodologies Syllabus
MCA 3rd - Third Semester Syllabus

MCA-302 Software Engineering Methodologies Course Contents:

System concepts and Information system environment:

The system concept, characteristics of system, elements of system, The System Development Life Cycle, The Role of System Analyst. Introduction system planning & initial investigation, various information gathering tools feasibility study conretions & structures tools of system analysis, various methods of  process design, form design methodologies, introduction to information system testing, quality assurance security & diastruct computer various (deleting recovery)

Software Process, Product and Project:

The Product : Software, Software Myths, The process : Software Engineering : A Layered Technology, Software Process Models, The Linear Sequential Model, The Prototyping Model, The RAD Model, Evolutionary Software Process Models, Component – Based Development, Fourth Generation Techniques, Software process and Project Metrics : Software measurement

Software Project Planning and Design:

Software Project Planning : Project planning objectives, Decomposition Techniques, Empirical estimation models, The Make/Buy Decision., Risk analysis.
Software Design: Design Principles, Cohesion & Coupling, Design notation and specification, structure design methodology.

Software Quality Assurance and Testing:

Software Quality Assurance : Quality Concepts, The Quality Movement, Software Quality Assurance, Software Reviews, Formal Technical Reviews, Formal Approaches to SQA, Statistical Software Quality Assurance, Software Reliability, Mistake Proofing for Software, Introduction to ISO standard. Testing Strategies: A strategic approach of software testing strategic issues, unit testing, integration testing, validation testing, system testing, the art of debugging. OOA, OOD.

Advanced Topics:

MIS & DSS:Introduction to MIS, long range planning, development and implementation of an MIS, applications of MIS in manufacturing sector and in service sector. Decision Suppost System concepts, types of DSS. Object 
Oriented Software Engineering: Object Oriented Concepts, Identifying the Elements of an Object Model, Management of Object Oriented Software Projects. CASE tools, Re-engineering

1. R. S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach”, 6th ed., McGraw Hill Int. Ed.,
2. Pankaj Jalote “Software Engg” Narosa Publications.
3. Ian Sommerville : Software Engineering 6/e (Addison-Wesley)
4. Richard Fairley : Software Engineering Concepts (TMH)
5. Elis Awad, "System Analysis & Design", Galgotia publications
6. W.S. Jawadekar: Management Information Systems, TMH Publication, India
7. Hoffer “ Modern System Analysis & Design” 3e, Pearson Edition
Note : Paper is to be set unit wise with internal choice.

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