RGTU/RGPV MCA-301 Computer Oriented Optimization Techniques Syllabus MCA 3rd sem Computer Oriented Optimization Techniques Sylabusl

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RGTU/RGPV MCA-301 Computer Oriented Optimization Techniques Syllabus
MCA 3rd Sem Computer Oriented Optimization Techniques Syllabus
MCA 3rd - Third Semester Syllabus

MCA-301 Computer Oriented Optimization Techniques Course Contents:

Introduction of operation research. LP Formulations, Graphical method for solving LP’s with 2 variables, Simplex method, Duality theory in linear programming and applications, Integer linear programming, dual simplex method,

Transportation problem, Assignment problem.
Dynamic Programming : Basic Concepts, Bellman’s optimality principles, Dynamics programming approach in decision making problems, optimal subdivision problem. 
Sequencing Models: Sequencing problem, Johnson’s Algorithm for processing n jobs through 2 machines, Algorithm for processing n jobs through 3 or more machines, Processing 2 jobs through n machines.

Project Management : PERT and CPM : Project management origin and use of PERT, origin and use of CPM, Applications of PERT and CPM, Project Network, Diagram representation, Critical path calculation by network analysis and critical path method (CPM), Determination of floats, Construction of time chart and resource labelling, Project cost curve and crashing in project management, Project Evaluation and review Technique (PERT).

Queuing Models : Essential features of queuing systems, operating characteristics of queuing system, probability distribution in queuing systems, classification of queuing models, solution of queuing M/M/1 : /FCFS,M/M/1 : N/FCFS, M/M/S : /FCFS, M/M/S : N/FCFS

Inventory Models : Introduction to the inventory problem, Deterministic Models, The classical EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) model, Inventory models with deterministe demands(no shortage & shortage allowed), Inventory models with probabilistic demand, multiitem determinise models.

1. Gillet B.E. : Introduction to Operation Research, Computer Oriented Algorithmic approach - Tata McGraw Hill Publising Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
2. P.K. Gupta & D.S. Hira, “Operations Research”, S.Chand & Co.
3. J.K. Sharma, “Operations Research: Theory and Applications”, Mac Millan.
4. S.D. Sharma, “Operations Research”, Kedar Nath Ram Nath, Meerut (UP).
5. S.S. Rao “Optimization Theory and Application”, Wesley Eastern.
6. Tata Hamdy, A “Operations Research - An Introduction”, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
7. Taha H.A. “Operations Research an Introduction” McMillan Publication.

Note : Paper is to be

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