EC 7th sem EC-703 TV and Radar Engineering Syllabus RGTU/RGPV 7th semester Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV EC-703 TV and Radar Engineering Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV TV and Radar Engineering SYLLABUS
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 7th Semester Syllabus

  Course Content:

Unit I : Basic Television System
Introduction: Scanning principles: sound and picture transmission, scanning process, camera pick-up devices, video signal, transmission and reception of video signals, brightness perception and photometric quantities, aspect ratio and rectangular scanning, persistence of vision and flicker, vertical resolution, the Kell factor, horizontal resolution and video bandwidth, interlaced scanning.
Composite Video Signal: Lines and scanning, video signal components, horizontal sync and blanking standards, vertical sync and blanking standards, video modulation and vestigial side band signal, sound modulation and inter-carrier system.
Television Standards: Standard channel characteristics, reception of the vestigial side band signals, television broadcast channel, consolidated CCIR system-B standard, various television broadcast systems.
Television Pick-up devices and Cameras: Camera lenses, auto-focus systems, television camera pick-ups, Silicon Vidicon, CCD image sensors, video processing of camera pick-up signal.

Unit II : Colour Television
Colour fundamentals: mixing of colours and colour perception, chromaticity diagram, colour television camera, colour TV signals and transmission, NTSC, SECAM and PAL system, Trinitron picture tube, automatic degaussing, plasma, LCD displays.
Television transmission and reception: requirement of TV broadcast transmission, design principle of TV transmitters, IF modulation, power output stages, block diagram of TV transmitter, co-channel interference and ghost images during propagation of television signals, antenna requirements for television system, block schematic and function requirements for television receivers, trends in circuit
design, colour television receiver.

Unit III : Digital Television Technology
Merits of digital technology, fully digital television system, digital television signals, digitized video parameters, digital video hardware, transmission of digital TV signals, bit rate reduction, digital TV receivers, video processor unit, audio processor unit.
Other television systems: Closed Circuit television system (CCTV), Cable television system (CATV), multiplexed analog component encoding television system (MAC TV), High definition television system (HDTV), High definition multiplexed analog component television (HD-MAC TV), High Performance Computer Controlled TV (HPCC TV), 3-D stereoscopic television techniques..

The Radar range equation, block diagram and operation, performance factors: prediction of range performance, minimum detectable signal, receiver noise, probability density functions, signal to noise ratios. Radar cross section of targets, transmitter power, pulse repetition frequency and range ambiguities, antenna parameters.
The CW radar: the Doppler effect, FM-CW radar.
The Moving Target Indicator (MTI) Radar: delay line cancellers.

Unit V : Radar Receivers
The radar receiver, noise figure, mixers, low noise front ends, displays- type A and PPI representations, duplexer and receiver  protectors.
Other Radar systems: Synthetic aperture radar, HF over the horizon radar, Air Surveillance Radar (ASR), Bistatic radar.

1. M. Dhake: Television and Video Engineering, 2nd Edition,TMH, New Delhi.
2. M. I. Skolnik: Introduction to Radar Systems, TMH, New Delhi.
3. R. G. Gupta: Television Engineering and Video Systems, TMH, New Delhi.
4. R. R. Gulati: Monochrome and Colour Television, New Age International.
5. Grob and Herndon: Basic Television and Video Systems, McGraw Hill International.
6. P. Z. Peebles, Jr.: Radar Principles, Wiley India Pvt. LTD.
7. Edde: Radar- Principles, Technology Applications, Pearson Education.
w.e.f academic session July 2010 Page 7 of 22

List of Experiments:
Section A: Television Engg.
1. (a) To Study the Circuit Description of RF Tuner Section.
(b) To Study the RF Section by Measuring Voltages at Various Test Points.
(c ) To Study the Fault Simulation and Step-by-Step Fault Finding Procedure for RF Section.
2. (a) To Study the Circuit Description of VIF Tuner Section.
(b) To Study the VIF Section by Measuring Voltages at Various Test Points.
(c ) To Study the Fault Simulation and Step-by-Step Fault Finding Procedure for VIF Section.
3. (a) To Study the Circuit Description of Video and Chroma Section Tuner Section.
(b) To Study the Video and Chroma Section by Measuring Voltages at Various Test Points
(c ) To Study the Fault Simulation and Step-by-Step Fault Finding Procedure for Video and Chroma Section.
4. (a) To Observe the Horizontal Oscillator and Horizontal Output Section through Various Test Point.
(b) To Study the Fault Simulation and Step-by-Step Fault Finding Procedure for Horizontal Oscillator and Horizontal Output
5. (a) To Observe the Vertical Oscillator and Vertical Output Section through Various Test Point.
(b) To Study the Fault Simulation and Step-by-Step Fault Finding Procedure for Vertical Oscillator and Vertical Output Section.
6. To Study the Fault Simulation and Step-by-Step Fault Finding Procedure for Sound Output Section.
7. To Study the Circuit Description of Audio and Video Section Tuner Section.
8. (a) To Study the System Control Section by Measuring Voltages at Various Test Points.
(b) To Study the Fault Simulation and Step-by-Step Fault Finding Procedure for System Control Section.

Section B: RADAR
1. Study of Doppler Effect.
2. To Measure Speed of a fan and various Other Objects (Pendulum, Tuning Fork, Plate etc.)
3. To Simulate the Variable Speed of Moving Objects using Velocity Simulator.

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