RGTU/RGPV TX 8th sem Garment Manufacturing Technology Control SYLLABUS TX 804 Garment Manufacturing Technology SYLLABUS Textile Engineering

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RGTU/RGPV TX 804 Garment Manufacturing Technology Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV Garment Manufacturing Technology SYLLABU
Textile Engineering TX 8th Semester Syllabus

Branch : Textile Engineering, VIII Semester
Course: Garment Manufacturing Technology

Unit I Marker Planning, marker utilization, Manual Marker Planning, Planning a layout of pattern pieces. Carbon duplicating, Spirit duplicating, or hectograph, carbon duplicating, Diazo photoelectric method, Computerized Marker Planning; Introducing to grading; Definition, sizes of surveys, Basic size chart, Factors affecting grading, standard checklist before grading, Grading methodology – Naste grading, Track grading.Sleeve variation: Cap sleeve, regular shirt sleeve, Bishop-sleeve, Lego’s mutton sleeve, Puff sleeve; Cuffs and Sleeve opening; Sleeves for loose fit garments with special reference to gents shirts. Collars – Set in collar and collar variation. Band collar, Peter pan collar, Sailor collar, Gent’s shirt collar – one piece and two piece collar, Convertible collar Drafting of men’s shirt block.
Unit II Spreading, requirements of spreading process, shade sorting of cloth pieces, correct ply direction and adequate lay stability, Alignment of piles, ply tension, fabric faults elimination, Elimination of static electricity, Methods of spreading – Manual, Machine spreading.
Unit III Objectives of Cutting, Methods of cutting, Manual cutting, straight knife, round knife, band knife, notches, drills, computer controlled cutting knives, Die cutting, Laser cutter, Plasma cutting, water jet cutting, ultrasonic cutting; Sewing seams, seam types, superimposed seam, Lapped seam, Bound seam, Flat and fell seam, French seam, Bias seam, Hong Kong, Overcoat/serging, decorative stitching, edge neatening; Stitch types, Lockstitches, Chain stitches, hand stitches, Multithread chain stitches, over edge chain stitches, covering chain stitches. Sewing Machinery different types, Basic sewing machine, Simple automatics Feed mechanism, Drop feed system, Differential feed system, Adjustable top feed, Needle feed, Puller feed. Sewing machine, needles; sewing threads, quality characteristic of threads, finishes, thread packages, seam strengths, elasticity, sewing problems. Problems of stitch formation, Seam pucker, Fabric damages, Mechanical damages, Needle heating, Sewability and Tailorability.
Unit IV Button hole machines, button sew machines, Bar tack machines, Label sewers. Components for the construction of garments, label, motifs, lining, interlinings, laces braids, elastic hook and loop fastening, Seam binding, Shoulder pads, Eyelets, zip fasteners, Button, Tack buttons, snap fasteners, Rivets.
Unit V Fusing requirements, fusion process, types of fusible resins, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyamides, Polyesters, Polyvinyl chloride; Means of fusing, Temperature, Pressure, Time; Fusing equipment, specialized fusing process, Flat bed fusing process, continuous fusing systems, High frequency fusing, Hand iron, steam press; Methods of fusing, reverse fusing, sandwich fusing, double fusing, shirt collar fusing, fusing of tailored jackets fronts, welding, adhesives, molding.
Unit VI Garment finishing process - Pressing, categories of pressing, Means of pressing, Pressing equipments and methods, Iron, Steam Press, Tunnel, Pleating, Permanent Press.Packing – Methods of folding garments, Mechanical method, Flannel method Procedure for folding different garment in different sizes and packing materials used for packing garments, plastics, pins, card sheets, plastic butterfly clips, brass pins, collar stands tags; Packaging instructions for tags, labels and packets.
Unit VII Knitted garments, Fitting cut, stitch cut shaped, fully fashioned, integral part garment, production sequence & fabric quality. 5 July 2010 49
TX 804 Garment Manufacturing Technology References:
1. Garment Technology for fashion Design – Gerry Cooklin
2. Introduction to clothing manufacture –Gerry Cooklin.
3. Technology of Clothing manufacture-Carr.
4. Technical Textiles, Shaleco E, Bradlock and Marce O’Hall cony
5. Introduction to clothing production management – Chuter A.J.
6. Clothing Technology – R.L. Friend
7. Pattern Making – Martin Shoben
8. Dress Fitting – Natalie Bray
9. Pattern Making – Armstrong, Helen Joseph
TX 804 Garment Manufacturing Technology List of Experiments (Please expand it):
Garment Manufacturing Technology
To discuss the garment process line
To study pattern making, marker planning with grading
To study sewing machine with machine specification
To study lock stitch with fabric cutter machine
To study interlock machine
To study overlock machine
To study button sewing machine and button holing machine.
To study feed off arm machine
To study barteck machine
To discuss quality characteristics of garment (men’s shirt, trouser etc.)
To practice different stitched and seams with industrial norms

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