EI 6th sem Control system Syllabus EI 605 Control system Electronics and Instrumentation Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV EI-605 Control system Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV  Control system SYLLABUS
Electronics and Instrumentation EI 6th Semester Syllabus

PROGRAMME: Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
COURSE: EI605 Control system

Unit I - Introduction to the Control Problem
Basic Control System Terminology viz. open loop & close loop system, Servomechanism, Feed forward & Feed back control, Digital Control, Multivariable Control System, Non-Linear Control System.
Modelling Techniques for Physical System 
Differential Modelling of Physical Systems, Linear Approximations of Physical Systems, The Laplace Transform, The transfer function of linear system, Block Diagram algebra, Signal Flow graphs.
Control System Components & Their Mathematical Modeling
S.C. Servomotors, A.C. Servomotors, Pneumatic devices for control, Hydraulic Devices for control, Synchronous, A/D Converters.

Unit II  - Feedback Control System Characteristics
Sensitivity of control systems to parameter variation, Control over the dynamics of the system, Disturbance signals in a feedback control system, Steady-state Error.  
Time Response Studies
Difference of time response, Test input signals, model of prototype D.C. position control system, Time response of prototype second order system, Performance specifications of the prototype 2nd order system, Effects of additions of poles and zeros to open loop & close loop transfer functions, time response of higher order s, stems & concept of dominant pole, Steady-state error constants for type 0,1 & @ systems, Need for compensation for the prototype 2nd order system.

Unit III - Time Domain Stability Analysis
Concept of stability of linear systems, bounded input bounded output / zero-input stability, The routh stability criteria, Stability range for a parameter, Co-relation between the closed loop poles & stability, The Root-locus concept, Guidelines for sketching Root-locus, Elementary idea of reshaping the Root-locus, Root-locus of systems with Dead time, Root sensitivity.
Frequency Domain Analysis of Control System
Performance specification in frequency domain, Co-relation between frequency domain & time domain, Polar  plots, Bode plots, Nicholas Charts, Determination of system transfer function from experimental data.
Stability Analysis in Frequency Domain
Development of Nyquist Criteria stability margins, Relative stability using Nyquist  and boder  plots,  Systems with  dead  time.
Design of feedback control systems
Approaches to system design, Cascade compensation networks, Design of Compensators in  Time & Frequency domain, Examples of proportional, PD & PID mode of control.

Unit IV  - State Variable Techniques
State variable representation for an LTI system, Different Counouical forms, Co- relation between state models & Transfer function, Solution Of State Equations, Concepts of controllability & observability.
Unit V - Introduction to Software Packages Used in Control System

EI 605 Control system Suggested Texts Books
1.  Automatic Control System - B.C. Kuo (PHI)
2.  Control System Engineering - Nagrath & Gopal (Newage Publishers)
3.  Control Systems (Principles & Design) - M.Gopal (TataMcGraw Hill) 
4.  Modem Control System - Bishop & Dorf (Addison Welseley) 
5.  Automatic Control System – Kuo PHI

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