EC 8th sem Advanced Data Networks Syllabus EC-8101 Advanced Data Networks Syllabus Electronics and Communication Engineering

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RGTU/RGPV EC-8101 Advanced Data Networks Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV Advanced Data Networks SYLLABUS
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 8th Semester Syllabus

ROGRAMME: Electronics & Communication Engineering
COURSE: EC-8101 Advanced Data Networks

Unit-I Principles of Wireless Networks
Network Planning: Introduction, wireless network topologies, cellular topology.        
Wireless network operation: introduction, mobility management, radio resources and power management, security in wireless networks

Unit-II Mobile Data Networks
Introduction, the data-oriented CDPD network, GPRS and higher data rates, short messaging services in GSM, mobile application protocols.                      
Wireless LANs (WLAN)
Introduction, historical overview of the LAN industry, evolution of the WLAN industry, new interest from military and service providers, a new explosion of market and technology, wireless home networking.           

Unit-III IEEE 802.11 WLANs
Introduction, what is IEEE 802.11? The PHY layer, MAC sublayer, MAC management sublayer. HIPERLAN What is HIPERLAN? HIPERLAN-2 Wireless Geolocation Systems Introduction, what is Wireless Geolocation? Wireless geolocation system architecture, technologies for wireless geolocation, geolocation standards for E-911 services, performance measures for geolocation systems.      

Unit-IV Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
Introduction, what is IEEE 802.15 WPAN? What is HomeRF? What is Bluetooth? Interference between Bluetooth and 802.11.

Satellite Networks Satellite navigation and global positioning system: Introduction, radio and satellite navigation, GPS position location principles, GPS time, GPS receivers and codes, the C/A code, Satellite signal acquisition, GPS signal levels, timing accuracy, GPS receiver operation, GPS C/A code accuracy, differential GPS.                 

Unit-V Optical Networks
Network Concepts: terminology, categories, layers. Network topologies: performance of passive linear buses, performance of star architectures.
SONET/SDH : transmission formats and speeds, optical interfaces, SONET/SDH rings, SONET/SDH networks.  High speed light-wave links: links operating at 10, 40 and 160 Gbps.
Optical add/drop multiplexing (OADM): OADM configurations, reconfigurable OADM. 
Optical switching: optical cross-connect, wavelength conversion, wavelength routing, optical packet switching, optical burst switching. WDM network examples: wideband long-haul WDM networks, narrowband metro WDM networks, passive optical network.
Mitigation of transmission impairments: chromatic dispersion compensating fiber, bragg grating dispersion compensators, polarization-mode dispersion compensation, optical amplifier gain transients.  

EC-8101 Advanced Data Networks References:
1.  K. Pahlavan and P. Krishnamurthy: Principles of  Wireless Networks, PHI Learning.
2.  G. Keiser: Optical Fiber Communications, 4th Edition, TMH New Delhi.
3.  T. Pratt, C. Bostian and J. Allnut:  Satellite Communications, 2nd Edition, Wiley Indian Pvt. Ltd.
4.  Upena Dalal: Wireless Communications, Oxford University Press.

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