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RGTU/RGPV FT – 802 Fire Fighting Installations & Automation Syllabus FT 8th semester Fire Technology(FT) RGTU/RGPV Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV Fire Fighting Installations & Automation Syllabus
FT – 802 Fire Fighting Installations & Automation Syllabus
Fire Technology and Safety Engineering(FT) VIII-8th Semester Syllabus

FT – 802 Fire Fighting Installations & Automation Course Contents:

UNIT-I Grouping of Fixed-Fire-fighting Installations, Provisions of First Aid Fire-Fighting Arrangements, External Hydrants, Ring-Mains. Rising Mains: Down Comer, Dry-riser, Wet-riser and specifications of each types, their relevant code of practices. 
UNIT-II Water Supply & Hydrant System: Grading, Requirement of water supply, Total requirement of water for different hazards pressure tanks water supply, Designing of Fire Hydrant System for different occupancies.; Designing of HVWSS/MVWSS/Sprinklers System: Types of Sprinklers system and its specification New Standard for the installation of sprinklers and Hazard classification. Multiple Jetsprinklers, Water spray projector system, MVWSS and HVWSS-Drenchers: Different types of Drenchers, Rules for spacing sprinklers and drencher’s heads. 
UNIT-III Mechanical Foam Installations: Determination of foam compound for fire-fighting in oil tanks, Methods of application. Top application Base injection, Sub-surface Injection. Foam inlets and Risk for which foam is used. Premix foams, Installation characteristics of foam. Different types of foam, Low expansion, Medium expansion and High expansion foam, their special application, advantage and disadvantages of various types and the storage of foam concentrates. 
UNIT-IV Installations Involving Carbon-di-oxide and Dry powder: Their special features, Characteristics, Designing, arrangements, operation, extinguishing action, risks and specification.
UNIT-V Fire Alarm & Detection System: Designing, Calculations, Installation, Testing and Maintenance, Working principle of smoke detectors, heat detectors, Flame detectors & optical beam type detectors. 
1. Standard Installation of sprinkler system by NFPA.
2. A Study of Performance of Automatic Sprinkler System by NFPA.
3. National Fire Code of Sprinklers by NFPA.
4. Care and Maintenance of Sprinkler System by NFPA.
5. Fire and Fire Risers by UNISEF Publication.
6. Relevant Indian Standards and Code of Practices.
List of Experiments (Expandable)
1. To Study the General Requirements of Different type of Occupancy as per NFPA 101-Life Safety Code
2. To study the fixed DCP Installation as per NFPA Code 17
3. To study the Fire Fighting Properties of Foam Concentrate
a. Fuel Tolerance (b)Burn back resistance (c) Induction Ratio (d) Fluidity (e) Film Formation
4. To Study the CO2 Total Flooding System as per IS Specification

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