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RGTU/RGPV FT-801(B) Safety in Mines Syllabus FT 8th semester Fire Technology(FT) RGTU/RGPV Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV Safety in Mines Syllabus
FT-801(B) Safety in Mines Syllabus
Fire Technology and Safety Engineering(FT) VIII-8th Semester Syllabus

FT-801(B) Safety in Mines Course Contents:

Unit-I Minerals, rocks ores and non metallic minerals; classification of rock coal classification, mine Atmosphere neat and humidity, Composition of mine atmosphere: Mine gases; generation, properties and  effects; sampling and analysis of mine air; methane content; types and characteristic selection and location.
Unit II Mining tools & machinery, drilling machinery, including blast hole drills, ladders, excavators, dumpers, transportation equipment and conveyors and other related tools & equipments used in mining.
UNIT III Safety in Mines: Duty of care; occupational hazards of mining; causes and prevention; accidents and their classification; accident statistics; cause-wise analysis; basic causes of accident occurrence; in-depth study into various causes of accidents; measures for improving safety in mines; TRAP (take responsibility in accident prevention); cost of accident; contribution of human elements in mine safety; tripartite and bipartite committees; mine environment monitoring and control.
UNIT IV Lighting: general principles of artificial lighting; lighting standards and their assessment. Sanitation and health in mines, Safety related issues in coal beneficiation and transport, Development and layout of mines including surface and underground arrangements; layout and development of shaft-top and pit-bottom and haulage arrangements.
Unit-V Health and Safety Laws: The Mines Act, 1952; Mines Rules, 1955; Coal Mine Regulation, 1957; Mines Rescue Rules, 1985; provisions of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 applicable to mines; Mine Vocational Training Rules, 1966; other rules and legislation applicable to coal mines. Economic Impact of Mining: Economics of mining, effect on community – before, during and after mining; corporate social responsibility (CSR). 
1. Mine Safety - Law Regulation Policy by Neil Gunningham
2. Understanding Human Error in Mine Safety by Geoff Simpson, Tim Horberry, and Jim Joy
3. Mine Health and Safety Management by Michael Karmis
4. Race against Time - Building a Culture of Mine Safety by Gregory M. Anderson & Stephen R. Rosene

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