RGTU/RGPV MCA-504 Elective EII(e) : .Net Technology Syllabus MCA 5th -Fifth sem .Net Technology Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV MCA-504 Elective EII(e) : .Net Technology Syllabus
MCA 5th Sem  .Net Technology Syllabus
MCA 5th - Fourth Semester Syllabus

MCA-504 Elective EII(e) : .Net Technology Course Contents:

Introduction to .NET Technology, Introduction to VB.NET, Software development and Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic .NET and .NET frame.

Visual Basic fundamentals: The Visual Basic .NET Development Environment, The element of VB.NET, VB.NET operators, Software design, Conditional structure and control flow, Methods.

Classes and Objects: Types, Structure and Enumeration, Classes, Interfaces, Exception handling and Classes, Collections, Arrays and other Data Structure.

Advance design concepts, Patterns, Roles and Relationships, Advanced Interface Patterns: Adapters and Delegates and Events Data Processing and I/O.

Writing Software with Visual Basic .NET, Interfacing with the End User, Introduction to ASP.NET and C#.NET and their features.

1. Jeffrey R. Shapiro “The Complete Reference Visual Basic .NET” Tata Mcgraw Hill (2002 Edition).
2. Rox “Beginner and Professional Edition VB.NET” Tata Mcgraw Hill.
3. Steven Holzner “Visual Basic .NET Black Book” Wiley Dreamtech Publication.
4. Alex Homer, Dave Sussman “Professional ASP.NET1.1” Wiley Dreamtech
2. Bill Evzen,Bill Hollis “Professional VB.NET 2003” Wiley Dreamtech
3. Tony Gaddis “Starting Out VB.NET PROG.2nd Edition” Wiley Dreamtech
4. Chris Ullman, Kauffman “Beg. ASP.NET1.1 with VB.NET 2003” Wiley Dreamtech
5. Chris Ullman, Kauffman “Beg ASP.NET1.1 with VC#.NET 2003” Wiley Dreamtech

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