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IP 605 Operation Research-I SYLLABUS RGTU/RGPV IP 6th sem Operation Research-I syllabus

Unknown siteowner 13 years ago
IP-605 Operation Research-I  Syllabus
 RGTU/RGPV Operation Research-I  SYLLABUS
Industrial Production Engineering IP 6th Semester Syllabus
Unit 1 Linear Programming: Introduction, history and development of OR, model building, process of OR, linear programming– formulation, graphical method, simplex method, big-M-method, two-phase method, degeneracy in LPP, unrestricted variables, duality in LP, convex sets, revised simplex, sensitivity analysis, parametric linear programming, introduction to integer programming, branch and bound algorithm, cutting plane algorithm, single and multiple goal programming algorithms.
Unit 2 Allocations in LPP- assignment model- Hungarian method, unbalanced, traveling sales man and miscellaneous problem; transportation- optimality test, degeneracy unbalanced problems, transshipment. 
Unit 3 Decision and Game theory: Decision tree, decision making models under certainty, risk and uncertainty; Hurwicz criteria, rectangular, two persons zero sum games, maximin and minimax principles, saddle point, dominance, graphical and algebraic methods of solution, solution by transforming into linear programming problem
Unit 4 Dynamic programming: Characteristics of dynamic optimization model, Bellman’s principle, typical problems, salesmen problem, forward and backward recursion, use of software to solve LP and DP problems.
Unit 5; Introduction to Queuing Theory: Characteristics of queuing system, Poisson's formula, birthdeath system, equilibrium of queuing system, analysis of M/M/1 queues. Introduction to multiple server Queue models M/M/c Application of queuing theory in manufacturing and computer system
 IP 605 Operation Research I References:
1. Taha H. A., Operation Research, PHI.
2. Hillier and Lieberman Introduction to OR; TMH
3. Sharma JK; OR Theory and Application; macMillan Pub;
4. Ramamurthy P; Operation Research; New AGE Pub
5. Banerjee B., Operation Research; Business Publicity, Bombay.
6. Hira & Gupta, Operation Research, S. Chand.
7. Rao S. S., Optimization, Jain Bros., Delhi.
8. Chitale A. K., J. Negi, Text Book of Operation Research, Jain Bros., Delhi.
9. Sharma S. D., Kedarnath, Operation Research, Ramnath & Co., Meerut.
 IP 605 Operation Research I  List of Experiments (Pl. expand it):
Use computer and software to solve problems contained in the syllabus

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