FT, 4th (IV) Semester syllabus FT-402 Energy Environment Ethics and SocietyRevised syllabus Fire Technology and Safety Engineering(F

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Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
B.E. (FT) Fire Technology and Safety Engineering FOURTH IV SEMESTER
FT- 402 Energy Environment Ethics and Society
Revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination Effective from July 2007

Unit 1 Energy: linkage with development, world energy scenario, fossil fuel resource- estimates and duration, India’s energy scenario; Finite/ depleting energy resources, coal, oil, gas, nuclear fission, promises and present status of nuclear fusion energy; Renewable energy, solar, hydro, wind, biomass, ocean, tidal, wave and geothermal. Synergy between energy and environment, global environment issues, greenhouse gas emission, global warming, green energy solutions.

Unit 2 Society and environment: exponential growth in population, environmentally optimum sustainable population, free access resources and the tragedy of commons; environment problems and impact of P.A.T (Population, Affluence and Technology), environmentally beneficial and harmful technologies; environment impact assessment policies and auditing, interaction between environment, life support systems and socio-culture system.

Unit 3 Ecosystem: definition, concepts, structure, realm of ecology, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere-troposphere-stratosphere; energy balance to earth, matter and nutrient
recycling in ecosystems; nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and water cycles, food producers, consumers and decomposers, food chains; biodiversity, threat and conservation of biodiversity. Worldviews and environmentally sustainable economic growth, introduction to Design For Environment (DFE), product lifecycle assessment for environment and ISO 14000; triple bottom-line of economic, environment and social performance; environmental ethics, its world impact and challenges.

Unit 4 (a) Air pollution-primary, secondary; chemical and photochemical reactions, effects of CO, NO, CH and particulates, acid rain, Ozone depletion; monitoring and control of pollutants
(b) Noise pollution-sources and control measures.
(c) Water pollution, analysis and management, heavy metals- and nuclear pollutions; industrial
pollution from paper, pharmacy, distillery, tannery, fertilizer, food processing and small scale industries.

Unit 5 Ethics and moral values, ethical situations, objectives of ethics and its study, role morality and conflicts; values, policies and Organization Culture; Non-professional, quasi- and hardprofessionals; preventive, personal, common and professional ethics; different ethical value criteria like utilitarian, virtue, right and duty ethics with discussion on the case of priority for improvement of urban (high traffic) or rural (low traffic) intersections causing equal number of fatalities; codes of ethics and their limitations; Institute of engineers code for corporate member, IEEE and ACM

1. Miller G. T Jr; Living in the environment; Cengage Publisher.
2. Cunningham W; Principles of Environmental Science: TMH
3. Harris CE, Prichard MS, Rabins MJ, Engineering Ethics; Cengage Pub.
4. Martin; Ethics in Engineering; TMH
5. Govindrajan, Natrajan and Santikumar; Engineering Ethics; PHI pub.
6. Rana SVS; Essentials of ecology and environment; PHI Pub.
7. Gerard Kiely; Environmental Engineering; TMH
8. Khan BH; Non Conventional energy resources; TMH Pub.
9. Raynold G.W. “Ethics in Information Technology; Cengage

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