EE - 304 Semiconductor Devices and circuits Syllabus Electrical Engineering(EE) 3rd sem RGTU/RGPV Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV EE - 304 Semiconductor Devices and circuits Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV Semiconductor Devices and circuits SYLLABUS
Electrical Engineering EE 3rd (V) Semester Syllabus

EE - 304 Semiconductor Devices and circuits Course Contents:

Unit I
Semiconductor device, theory of P-N junction, temperature dependence and break down characteristics, junction capacitances, Zener diode, Varactor diode, PIN diode, LED, Photo diode, Transistors BJT, FET, MOSFET, types, working principal, characteristics, and region of operation, load line biasing methods,. transistor as an amplifier, gain, bandwidth, frequency response, Various applications of diode and special diodes.

Small signal analysis of transistor (low frequency) using h-parameters, thermal runaway and thermal stability.

Unit III
Feedback amplifier, negative feedback, voltage-series, voltage shunt ,current series and current shunt feedback , Sinusoidal oscillators, L-C (Hartley-Colpitts) oscillators, RC phase shift, Wien bridge, and Crystal oscillators. Power amplifiers, class A, class B , class A B, C amplifiers , their efficiency and power Dissipation, Pushpull and complimentary pushpull amplifier.

Unit IV
Switching characteristics of diode and transistor, turn ON, OFF time, reverse recovery time , transistor as switch , Multivibrators, Bistable, Monostable, Astable multivibrators. Cllipers and clampers, Differential amplifier, calculation of differential , common mode gain and CMRR using hparameters, Darlington pair , Boot strapping technique. Cascade and cascade amplifier.

Unit V
Operational amplifier characteristics, slew rate , bandwidth, offset voltage ,basic current, application ,inverting , non inverting amplifier , summer , average, differentiator, integrator, differential amplifier, instrumentation amplifier , log and antilog amplifier , voltage to current and current to voltage converters , comparators Schmitt trigger , active filters, 555 timer and its application.

1. Nashelsky & Boysted; Electronic Devices and Circuits; PHI
2. Millman Halkias; Electronic Devices and Circuits; McGraw- Hill
3. Achuthan MA and Bhatt KN; Fundamentals of semiconductor devices; TMH
4. Neamen Donald; Semiconductor Physics and devices
5. Millman & Grabel; Micro Electronics; McGraw-Hill
6. Bogart; Electronic Devices and Circuits; Universal Book Stall, NDelhi
7. Millman & Halkias; Integrated Electronics; McGraw- Hill.
8. Tobbey; OP- Amps their design and Application
9. R.A. Gaikward; OP- Amp and linear Integreted circuit; PHI
10. D. Raychowdhary and Shail Jain; Linear Integrated Circuits
11. Botkar; Integrated Circuits; Khanna
12. Clayton; Applications of linear Integrated circuits
13. I.J. Nagrath; Electronics -Analog and Digital; PHI

List of experiments (Expandable):
1 V-I Characteristics of different types of Diodes.
2 Applications of diodes and Design of various clipping and clamping circuits.
3 Design half & full wave rectifier
4 Design & Analysis of transistor amplifier in CE, CB & CC configuration.
5 Design & Analysis of JFET Amplifier.
6 Design & Analysis of MOSFET Amplifier.
7 To study and construct power amplifiers of various classes.
8 Study of various oscillators.
9 Char. of Op-Amp (input offset voltage, slew rate CMRR, BW, Input bias current )
10 Linear application of OP-Amp (voltage follower, inviting and non-inverting amplifier and their
frequency response adder subtractor differential amplifier, integrator and differential frequency
response) .
11 study of Op-Amp as a comparator
12 design of Schmitt trigger
13 Design of monoastable & astable multivibrator

NOTE- All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.

Step 1: Circuit should be designed/ drafted on paper.
Step 2: Where ever applicable the designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation S/W (TINA-V7/ PSPICE/ Labview/ CIRCUIT MAKER etc.).
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: Where ever required the bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB.

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