EC 7th sem EC-7203 Random Signal Theory Syllabus RGTU/RGPV 7th semester Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV EC-7203 Random Signal Theory Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV Random Signal Theory SYLLABUS
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 7th Semester Syllabus

EC-7203 Random Signal Theory Course Content:

Introduction: Random input signals, random disturbances, random system characteristics, random experiments and events.
Random variables: Concept of random variable, distribution functions, density functions, mean values and moments, the Guassian random variable, density functions related to guassian- Rayleigh distribution, Maxwell distribution, Chi-square distribution, log normal distribution. Other distribution functions-uniform distribution, exponential distribution, delta distribution. Conditional probability distribution and density functions.

Several random variables: Two random variables, joint conditional probability, statistical independence, correlation between random variables, density function of the sum of two random variables, probability density function of a function of two random variables, thecharacteristic function. 
Elements of statistics: Sampling theory- the sample mean, the sample variance, sampling distributions and confidence interval, hypothesis testing, curve fitting and linear regression, correlation between two sets of data.

Random Processes: Continuous and discrete, deterministic and nondeterministic, stationary and nonstationary, ergodic and nonergodic.
Correlation functions: Introduction, autocorrelation function of a binary process, properties of auto correlation functions, examples of autocorrelation functions, crosscorrelation functions, properties of crosscorrelation functions, examples and applications of crosscorrelation functions, correlation matrices for sampled functions.

Spectral Density: Introduction, relation of spectral density to the fourier transform, properties of spectral density, spectral density and the complex frequency plane, mean square values from spectral density, relation of spectral density to the autocorrelation function, white noise, cross spectral density, examples and applications of spectral density,

Response of linear systems to random input: Analysis in the time domain, mean and mean square value of system output, auto correlation function of system output, crosscorrelation between input and output, spectral density at the system output.
Optimum linear systems: Criteria of optimality, restrictions on the optimum system, optimization by parameter adjustment, systems that maximize signal-to-noise ratio, systems that minimize mean square error. 

1. G. R. Cooper and C. D. Mcgillem: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis, Third Edition, Oxford University Press.
2. M. Lefebvre: Applied Probability and Statistics, Springer, Macmillan India Limited.
3. A. Papoulis, S. U. Pillai: Probability, Random Variable and Stochastic Processes, TMH.

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