AU-702 (C) CAD/CAM/CIM syllabus AU, 7th (V) Semester syllabus Automobile Engineering(AU)

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AU-702 (C) CAD/CAM/CIM syllabus 
 RGTU/RGPV AU-702 (C) CAD/CAM/CIM syllabus
Automobile Engineering AU 7th Semester Syllabus 

AU-702 (C) CAD/CAM/CIM Course Contents

Unit 1 Introduction: Information requirements of mfg organizations; business forecasting and aggregate production plan; MPS, MRP and shop floor/ Production Activity Control (PAC); Mfg as a system, productivity and wealth creation; production processes on volume-variety axes; importance of
batch and job shop production; CIM definition and CIM wheel, evolution and benefits; CIM as a subset of Product Life Cycle (PLC) mgt; design for mfg (DFM) and concurrent engg; product design in conventional and CIM environment; terms like CAD, CAE, CAM, CAP, CAPP, CATD and CAQ.

Unit 2 Graphics and standards: Raster scan, coordinate systems for model (M/ WCS) user and display; database for graphic modeling; PDM, PIM, EDM; define EDM, features of EDM; basic transformations of geometry- translation, scaling, rotation and mirror; introduction to modeling software; need for CAD data standardization; developments in drawing data exchange formats; GKS, PHIGS, CORE, IGES, DXF STEP DMIS AND VDI; ISO standard for exchange of Product Model data-STEP and major area application protocols.

Unit 3 Geometric Modeling: Its use in analysis and mfg; 2D and 3D line, surface and volume models; linear extrusion and rotational sweep; Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG); basics of boundary presentation- spline, Bezier, b-spline, and NURBS; sculpture surfaces, classification, basics of coons, Bezier, b-spline and ruled surfaces; tweaking, constraint based parametric modeling; wire-frame modeling, definition of point, line and circle; polynomial curve fitting; introduction to rapid prototyping.

Unit 4 Numeric control and part programming: Principles of NC machines, CNC, DNC; NC modes of point to point, -line and 2D, 3D contouring; NC part programming; ISO standard for coding,
preparatory functions(G)- motion, dwell, unit, preset, cutter compensation, coordinate and plane selection groups; miscellaneous (M) codes; CLDATA and tool path simulation; ISO codes for turning tools and holders; ATC, modular work holding and pallets; time and power estimation in milling, drilling and turning; adaptive control, sequence control and PLC; simple part programming examples.

Unit 5 Group Technology: Importance of batch and job shop production; merits of converting zigzag process layout flow to smooth flow in cellular layout, Production Flow Analysis (PFA) and clustering methods; concept of part families and coding; hierarchical, attribute and hybrid coding; OPITZ, MICLASS and DCLASS coding; FMS; material handling; robots, AGV and their programming; agile mfg; Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), variant/ retrieval and generative approach

1. S.Kant Vajpay; Principles of CIM; PHI
3. Groover MP; Automation, Production Systems & CIM; P.H.I.
4. Rao PN, Tiwari NK, Kundra TK; Computer Aided Manufacturing; TMH
5. Alavudeen A, Venkteshwarn N; Computer Integrated Mfg; PHI
6. Surendra Kumar; Industrial Robotics & CIM; Oxford IBH.

List of Experiments (please expand it):
1. 2D and 3D modeling on CAD software
2. Use of CAM software for writing CNC programs
3. Study of automatic and semi automatic control system and writing the electrical analogy.
4. Production & layout for GT for group of jobs to be manufactured
5. A case study / tutorial using CAPP Software
6. Writing M & G codes for given operations.
7. Robot and AGV programming

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