IT 8th sem Operational Research Syllabus IT843 Operational Research Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV IT 843 Operational Research Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV Operational Research SYLLABUS
Information Technology IT 8th Semester Syllabus

Branch : Information Technology, VIII Semester 
Course:  Operational Research

Unit  I:  Introduction to Linear Programming, Solution by Graphical and Simplex Method, Concept of Degeneracy and Duality, Artificial Variable Techniques : Big-M Method, Two Phase Method Solution of Transportation Problems by North-West Corner Method, Lowest Cost Entry Method, Vogel’s Method, Non-Degenerate Basic Feasible Solution, Assignment Model

Unit II: Integer Programming: Relationship to Linear Programming, Branch and Bound, Cutting Plane Techniques:  General Cutting Planes  ,    Dynamic Programming: Introduction, Bellman’s Principle of optimality, Applications of dynamic programming, Critical Path Method, PERT

Unit III: Replacement, Introduction, Replacement of items that deteriorate with time when money value is not counted and counted, Replacement of items that fail completely, group replacement. Games Theory: Introduction, Minimax (maximin), Criterion and optimal strategy, Solution of games with saddle points, Rectangular games without saddle points, 2 X 2 games, dominance principle– m X 2 & 2 X n games.

Unit IV: Inventory : Introduction , Single item – Deterministic models, Purchase inventory models with one price break and multiple price breaks shortages are not allowed , Stochastic models demand may be discrete variable or continuous variable, Instantaneous production. Instantaneous demand and continuous demand and no set up cost.

Unit V: Waiting Lines: Introduction, Single Channel, Poisson arrivals, exponential service times with infinite population and finite population models, Multi channel, Poisson arrivals, exponential service times with infinite population single channel Poisson arrivals: (M/M/1 :   /FCFS), (M/M/1 : N/FCFS), (M/E /1 : k/FCFS), (M/M/S : /FCFS)

IT843 Operational Research References:-
  • Ravindran , “Operation Research: Principles and practice”, Wiley India , 2ed.   
  • S.D.Sharma-Kedar Nath Ramnath & Co, “Operations Research”   
  • J.K.Sharma, “Operation Research”, MacMilan.   
  • Taha, “Introduction to O.R”, PHI.   Rattindra P. Sen, “Operations Research: Algorithms and applications”, PHI Learning.   
  • Purna Chandra, “Optimization in Engineering”, Scitech publication.

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