IT 6th sem Web Technologies Syllabus IT604 Web Technologies Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV IT 604 Web Technologies Syllabus
Information Technology IT 6th Semester Syllabus

PROGRAMME: Information Technology
COURSE: IT 604 Web Technologies

History of the internet, inter networking concepts, architecture, and protocol: switch, router, protocols for inter networking, internet address and domains. Introduction World Wide Web (WWW), working of web browser and web server, Web server and its deployment, N-tier architecture, services of web server, Common gateway interface (CGI), Uniform Resource Locator (URL), format of the URL, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), feature of HTTP protocol HTTP request-response model, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).

Introduction to Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), HTML elements, XHTML syntax and Semantics, eXtensible Markup Language (XML), element, attributes, entity declarations. DTD files and basics of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).Document object Model (DOM) history and levels, Document tree, DOM event handling.

Introduction to Java Script, Basic concepts, variables and data types, functions, conditional statements, Loops, Operators, Arrays, Standard Objects and form processing in Java

Evaluation of web applications, type of web documents, feature of web pages, multitier web applications, introduction to Apache web server. Security in application: authentication, authorization, auditing, security issues, security on the web, proxy server, Firewall. Middleware Concepts, CORBA,Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) , Message Oriented Middleware(MOM), EJB, Microsoft’s Distributed Component Object Model( DCOM) Web Servers HTTP request types System Architecture Server side Scripting. Web server and its deployment, Web client, services of web server, mail server
proxy server, multimedia server. ion to servlet, Overview Architecture Handling HTTP Request, Get and post request,redirecting request multi-tier applications. Introduction to JSP, basic JSP, Java Bean class and JSP. Setting up an Open Data Base Connectivity (ODBC) data source.

Introduction to servlet, Overview Architecture Handling HTTP Request, Get and post request, redirecting request multi-tier applications. Introduction to JSP, basic JSP, Java Bean class and JSP.Setting up an Open Data Base Connectivity (ODBC) data source.

IT 604 Web Technologies References:-
1.Web Technologies- A computer science perspective By Jeffrey C. Jackson, Pearson Eduction .
2.Web Technologies-TCP/IP Architecture, and Java Programming By Achyut S. Godbole and Atul Kahate
3.An introduction to Web Design+Programming by Paul S. Wang Sanda, S Katila,CENGAGE Learning.
4. Web Technology- A develop

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