FT 6th sem FT 604 Special Fire Hazards (Aviation, Marine & High Rise Buildings Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV FT-604 Special Fire Hazards  (Aviation, Marine &  High Rise Buildings Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV  Special Fire Hazards  (Aviation, Marine &  High Rise Buildings SYLLABUS
Fire Technology and Safety Engineering FT 6th Semester Syllabus

PROGRAMME: Fire Technology and Safety Engineering
604 Special Fire Hazards  (Aviation, Marine &  High Rise Buildings

UNIT-I Constructional features of an Air Craft, Types of Engines, Basic Fire-Hazards in Aircraft, Nature of Air Crashes, Emergency Landings including belly leading; Access to Fire Service Personnel and Escape of trapped persons problems, Types of Safety Belts, Ejection-Seats; and their methods of release; Rescue and Fires in Air Craft and methods of fire-fighting; Problems of fire-fighting. Problems in dealing with Air Craft carrying ammunition, bombs nuclear weapons; Action to be taken in case of accidents involving Radio Active Cargo

UNIT-II Hazards in Airport, Protection & Types of Hangers, Refueling and Defiling in Air Cargo, Crash Fire Tender: Provision of Crash, Fire Tenders including Rapid Intervening appliances, Categorization of Air-Port, their extinguishing media and determination of the appliances for each category as per International Standard. 

B: Marine Fire
UNIT-III The maritime environment, organizational role, vessel types, construction & systems of fire detection & suppression systems, Vessel plans, drawings & documents, cargo vessel hazards & safety.

UNIT-IV Incident strategies & tactics training & planning, vessel fire incidents, Marine incidents & Rescue operations.

UNIT-V Fundamentals of Fire Safe Building design, Building and site planning for fire-safety, structural integrity during fire confinement of fire in building, Life safety systems for high,  rise structures. Evacuation: Need of Evacuation plans in high rise buildings, Making of Evacuation Plans, types of Evacuation, Procedure of Evacuation.

UNIT-VI  Alarm signaling in high-rise building – Smoke movement in building –  Residential high-rise building-High-rise building with complex occupancy. Basic fire-fighting strategy.  Study of model code of practice for high-rise building in metropolitan cities (Building Bye Laws). 

FT 604 Special Fire Hazards  (Aviation, Marine &  High Rise Buildings References:
1.  Aero plane knowledge for Rescue Personnel by F. Engineering Division.
2.  Fire Protection and Maintenance of Aircraft by N.F.P.A.
3.  The Fire Hazards of Fuelling Aircraft in the Open by D.S.I.R., H.M.S.O. London.
4.  I.C.A.O. Standard
5.  Marine fire manual
6.  High-Rise building fires and fire safety – N.F.P.A.
7.  High-Rise Fire & Life Safety by B. Hagan
8.  N.F.P.A.
9.  National Building Code of India.

FT 604 Special Fire Hazards  (Aviation, Marine &  High Rise Buildings List of Experiments(Pl. expand it)
1.  Study of Airport Fire Hazard and Categorization of Airports.
2.  Study of Protection of Hangers.
3.  Study of General Requirements of CFT.
4.  Study of Emergency Landing, Belly Landing, Aircraft Engine.
5.  Study of Fundamentals of Fire & Safety Building Design.
6.  Life Safety plan in High Rise Buildings.
7.  Study of working principle of Pilot Ejection Seat

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