EC 4th sem Analog Communication Syllabus EC 405 Analog Communication Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV EC-405  Analog Communication Syllabus
 RGTU/RGPV  Analog Communication  SYLLABUS
Electronics and Communication Engineering 
EC 4th Semester  Analog Communication  Syllabus,

Unit-I Different types of Signals (Continuous, Discrete, Periodic), Time Domain and  Frequency Domain Representation, Introduction to basic Transform Techniques applicable to these Signals.
Spectral Analysis: Fourier Technique, Fourier Transform and their Properties, Transform of Gate Signal, Impulse Function and Unit Step Function, Fourier Transform Technique for Periodic Signal, Transform of Train of Pulses and Impulses, Sine and Cosine wave.
Signal Energy and Power, Spectral Density of various types of signals, Spectra (Parseval’s Theorem), Density Spectra of Periodic Gate and Impulse train. 
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems, Impulse Response, Convolution, Convolution with Impulse Function, Casual and Non Causal System, Distortion less System, Impulse Response of Distortion less System, Ideal Filter and Practical Filter.

Unit-II : Modulation Techniques: Need and types of modulation techniques, Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Spectrum, Power Distribution, Modulation by Complex Signal, Low Level and High Level AM Modulators, Linear Integrated Circuit AM Modulators, Suppressed Carrier Generation (Balance/Chopper and Square Law Modulation), SSB Generator (Phase and Frequency Discrimination Method), VSB Transmission and Application. Detection of AM signals: Envelope Detector Circuit, RC Time Constant, Synchronous Detection Technique, Error in Synchronous Detection, SSB signal detection, PLL and its use in demodulation.

Unit-III : Angle Modulation: Frequency and Phase Modulation Frequency spectrum, bandwidth requirement, Frequency and Phase Deviation, Modulation Index, NBFM and WBFM, Multiple frequencies FM. FM Modulators: Direct (Parameter Variation Method) and Indirect (Armstrong) Method of frequency modulation. FM Detector:  Slope Detector, Foster Seely Discriminator, Ratio Detector and PLL detectors.

Unit-IV : Radio Transmitters: AM transmitter, block diagram and working of Low Level and High Level Transmitters, Trapezoidal Pattern and Carrier Shift, SSB Transmitters, FM transmitters - Frequency Multiplication Applied to FM Signals, FM transmitters. 
Radio Receivers: Block Diagram of Radio Receiver, Receiver Characteristics (Selectivity, Fidelity and Sensitivity), AM Receiver, RF Receiver, Super-heterodyne Receiver, RF Amplifier, Frequency Mixer, AVC and AFC, Image Signal, Intermediate Frequency Selection, Diversity Reception, FM Receiver.

Unit-V Noise : Sources and types of noise and their power density, White Noise, Noise from Single and Multiple noise source for Linear Systems, Super Position of Power Spectrum, Equivalent Noise Bandwidth, Noise Figure, and Equivalent Noise Temperature, their Relationship, Calculation of Noise Figure and Noise Temperature for Cascade Systems, Noise Performance of Communication System, Band Pass Noise Representation in Terms of Low Pass, In-phase and Quadrature Phase Component and their Power Spectral Density, Figure of Merit, Calculation for AM, AM-SC and SSB System, Noise in Angle Modulate System, Figure of Merit for FM, Noise Density of Output of FM Detector, Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis, Phasor Representation of Noise, Capture Effect, Comparison of Noise Performance of AM and FM.

EC 4th sem Analog Communication Syllabus References: 
1. B.P. Lathi :  Modern Analog and Digital Communication System, Wiley Eastern limited
2. Taub and Schilling : Principles of communication Systems, TMH
3. Singh and Sapre : Communication Systems, TMH
4. S Haykin : Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons Inc
5. S Ghose, Signals and Systems, Pearson Education.
6. A Bruce Carlson : Communication System, TMH
7. Steven : Communication Systems – Analysis and Design, Pearson Education 
8. Hsu:  Analog and digital communication (Schaum); TMH

EC 4th sem Analog Communication Syllabus  List of Experiments (Expandable):
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps. 
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/ drafted on paper. 
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation S/W (TINA-V7/ PSPICE/ Labview/ CIRCUIT MAKER). 
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results. 
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB prepared on PCB machine..
1. Analysis of AM Modulation and Demodulation Techniques (Transmitter and Receiver), Calculation of Parameters
2. Analysis of FM Modulation and Demodulation (Transmitter and Receiver) and Calculation of Parameters
3. To Construct and Verify Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis and Plot the Waveforms.
4. Study of Super-heterodyne Receiver and Characteristics of Radio Receiver.
5. To Construct Frequency Multiplier Circuit and to Observe the Waveform
6. Study of AVC and AFC.  
7. Study of PLL chip (566) and its use in various systems

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