CS 4th sem Object Oriented Technology (OOT) Syllabus CS 403

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CS -403 Object Oriented Technology (ADC) Syllabus
 RGTU/RGPV Object Oriented Technology (ADC) SYLLABUS
Computer Science and Engineering CS 4th Semester Syllabus,

Unit I Abstract data types, Objects and classes, Attributes and Methods, Objects as software units,  Encapsulation and Information hiding, Objects instantiations and interactions, Object lifetime, Static and  dynamic objects, global and local objects, Metaclass, Modeling the real world objects.

Unit II Relationships between classes, Association of objects, Types of Association, Recursive  Association, Multiplicities, Navigability, Named association, Aggregation of objects. Types of  Aggregation, Delegation, Modeling Association and Aggregation.

Unit III Inheritance and Polymorphism, Types of polymorphism, Static and dynamic polymorphism,  Operator and Method overloading, Inherited methods, Redefined methods, the protected interface,  Abstract methods and classes, Public and protected properties, Private operations, Disinheritance,  Multiple inheritance.

Unit IV Container Classes, Container types, typical functions and iterator methods, Heterogeneous  containers, Persistent objects, stream, and files, Object oriented programming languages, 

Unit V Study of C++/Java as Object-oriented programming language.

Object Oriented Technology (OOT) References:
1. David Parsons; Object oriented programming with C++;  BPB publication
2. Object oriented programming in C++ by Robert Lafore: Galgotia
3. Balagurusamy; Object oriented programming with C++; TMH
4. Java Complete Reference: Herbert Schildt, Mc Graw Hill 
5. Hubbard; Programming in C++ (Schaum); TMH
6. Mastering C++ by Venugopal, TMH

Object Oriented Technology (OOT) List of experiments (Expandable):
Programming assignments may be given to students so that they can better understand the concepts of  object oriented programming such as objects, classes, class-relationships, association, aggregation,  inheritance, polymorphism etc.

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