ME/M.Tech. Computer Tech. & Applications, Software Systems 1st semester MCTA 103 Object Oriented Modeling and UML Syllabus

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Tags: Object Oriented Modeling and UML Syllabus, ME/M.Tech 1st sem Syllabus, MCTA 103 Syllabus, ME/M.Tech First Semester Syllabus, Computer Tech. & Applications M.Tech Syllabus, Software Systems

Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
Computer Tech. & Applications (UTD, RGTU, Bpl)
Software Systems SATI (Vidisha)
MCTA 103 Object Oriented Modeling and UML Syllabus

Unit 1
Object Oriented Concepts: Objects and classes, methods messages, encapsulation, interface, implementation, reuse, inheritance and polymorphism, object oriented development life cycle. UML: Class relationships in UML, use cases, sequence diagrams, state models and activity diagrams.

Unit 2
Structural Modelling: Classes, Advance Classes, Relationships, class diagrams, interfaces, packages, instances and object diagrams.

Unit 3
Behavioral Modelling: modelling interaction, use cases, interaction diagrams, activity diagrams, events, signals, state machines, process, threads, time, space, state chart diagrams.

Unit 4
Architectural Modelling: Components, deployment, collaborations, pattern, frameworks, component & deployment diagram. An overview of CORBA, Java beans and .NET.

Reference Books:
1. G Booch, J Rambaugh. Ivar Jacobson, The UML User guide, Pearson Education.
2. Eric Brande, Software Design, John Wiley & Sons.
3. David W illiam Brown, An Introduction to Object Oriented Analys is”, John W iley
4. Booch, Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, Addision W esley.
5. Schach, Stephen R., An introduction to Object Oriented Systems Analysis and
Design with UML and unified process, 2003, TMH.

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