ME/M.Tech. Computer Tech. & Applications, Software Systems 2nd sem Elective-I MCSE/MCTA-204 Robotics and Computer Vision Syllabus

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Tags: Robotics and Computer Vision Syllabus, ME/M.Tech 2nd semester Syllabus, Elective-I MCSE/MCTA-204 Syllabus, ME/M.Tech Second Semester Syllabus, Computer Tech. & Applications M.Tech Syllabus, Software Systems M.Tech Syllabus

Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
Computer Tech. & Applications (UTD, RGTU, Bpl)
Software Systems SATI (Vidisha)
Elective-I MCSE/MCTA-204
Robotics and Computer Vision Syllabus

Basic components of robotics system, Kinematics and manupulators, selection of Co-ordinate frames, Homogeneous transformation, solution of kinematics equations, Lagrangian equations and manipulator dynamics, Control design, Languages for Robots and Applications.

3D-vision, Prespective vision, CCD camera study, real time processing.Segmentation using Genetic Algorithm: Adaptive algorithm for indor scene, and outdoor screne.. Interpretation of pictures, shape recognition, dynamic scane analysis. Introduction to AGV, clusturing and non supervised learning method.

Reference Books :
1. "Digital Image Processing And Computer Vision"-R.Schalkoff,W iley.
2. "Computer Vision"-D.H. Ballard and C.M.Brown, Prentice Hall.
3. "Introduction to Robotics"-Craig,J.J, Addison Wesley.
4. "Robot Vision"-Horn B., MIT Press.
5. "Robotics"-Lee, Mc Graw Hill.

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