FT - 705 Chemical Safety Syllabus FT 7th semester Fire Technology(FT) RGTU/RGPV Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV Chemical Safety Syllabus
FT - 705 Chemical Safety Syllabus
Fire Technology and Safetyl Engineering(FT) VII-7th Semester Syllabus

FT - 705 Chemical Safety Course Contents:

Unit I General Principle of Chemical exposure and toxic response:-
Chemical exposure and cancer, chemical exposure and hypersensitivity, toxic response of lungs, liver, kidney, skin chemical exposure and health risk assessment.

Unit II Toxic release and dispersion models:-
Design basis, source model, dispersion model, Pasquill- Gifford model, effect of release momentum, Buoyancy.

Unit III Chemical risk analysis:-
Flammability: - vapour pressure, limits of flammability, Flash points, auto-ignition temperature. Stability: - Experimental methods of determination, classifications of instability risk, quantative approach.
Toxicity: - Evaluation parameter, level of toxic risk, problem posed by determination of toxicity risk level, Quantative estimation method.

Unit IV Explosion Hazards:-
Gas and vapour cloud explosion & means of preventing and mitigating in the process industry, Explosion in clouds of liquid droplets in air (spray/mist explosions), Dust Explosion.

Unit V Methodology for Hazard and Risk analysis: Hazards survey or inventories, hazards and operability studies (HAZOP), failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), fault tree analysis (FTA), Event tree analysis (ETA).

1. Chemical process safety, fundamental with application- Daniel A Crowl/ Joseph F Louver
2. Chemical exposure and toxic response- Edited by- Stephen K. Hall, Joana Chakraborty, Randall J. Ruch.
3. Chemical Risk analysis- Bernard Martel
4. Explosion hazards in the process industries. – Rolf K. Eckhoff.
5. Chemical process Industries Shreve R.N.
6. Chemical Engineers handbook peoy JHJ & Chitten (Ed)
7. Hazardous materials emergency planning guide-NSC India.
8. Loss prevention in the process Industries F.P. Lees.
9. Technical guidance for hazard analysis – NSC India.
10. Process equipment design – MV Joshi
11. Major hazard control – A practical manual (ILO)
12. Chemical Process safety – Daniel A Crawl, Joseph Flouvar.

List of Experiments (Expandable)
1. Study of toxic Chemicals
2. Study of runaway reactions
3. Study of flammability & Explos
Syllabus FT 7th semester Fire Technology(FT)  RGTU/RGPV  Syllabus

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