CM604 Chemical Process Control Syllabus RGPV / RGTU B.E. Chemical Engineering(CM) VI-6th Semester Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV Chemical Process Control  Syllabus
CM604 Chemical Process Control  Syllabus
Chemical Engineering(CM) VI-6th Semester Syllabus

CM604 Chemical Process Control Course Contents:

Unit I Construction and characteristics of final control elements such as Proportional, Integral, PD, PID controllers, pneumatic control valve, principles and construction of pneumatic and electronic controllers.

Unit II Process instrumentation diagrams and symbols, process instrumentation for process equipments such as Distillation column Absorption column, Heat Exchanger, Reactors, Evaporators, fluid storage vessels.

Unit III Laplace Transform, Linear open loop system, first order system and their transient response. Dynamic response of a pure capacitive process, Transportation lag, Dynamic response of a first order lag system.

Unit IV Second order system and their transient response. Interacting and non-interacting system. Linear closed loop system, block diagram of closed loop transfer function, controllers, transient response of closed loop system.

Unit V Stability concept, Routh stability criterion, relative stability, Hurwitz stability criterion,  Nyquist’s stability criterion. Root locus technique, introduction to frequency response, Bode diagram, Bode stability criterion, gain and phase margins, Ziegler Nichols controller setting.

1. Coughnower & Koppel – Process System Analysis And Control- McGraw Hill, New York.
2. D. P. Eckman – Automatics Process Control – McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Peter Harriot – Process Control – McGraw Hill, New York.
4. J. J. Nagrath & M. Gopal; Control System Engineering.

List of Experiment (Pl. expand it):
1. To study the characteristics of control valves (linear, quick opening, etc)
2. To study the dynamics of liquid level systems of non-interacting and interacting types.
3. To study the response of mercury in glass thermometer with and without a thermowell.
4. To study the characteristics of an electronic PID controller.
5. To study the characteristics of a current to pneumatic converter.
6. To study the effectiveness of computer control of a distillation column.
7. To study the effectiveness of a computer control of a heat exchanger.
8. To study to effectiveness of a computer control of a chemical reactor
9. To study to dynamics of a pressure tanks.
10. To calibrate an air purged liquid level indicator.
Note: Each student should perform at least eight experiments out of the above list.

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