CM 8th Semester CM-802 Entrepreneurship Management and Economics Syllabus RGPV / RGTU B.E. Chemical Engineering(CM) VIII-8th Semester Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV Entrepreneurship Management and Economics Syllabus
CM-802 Entrepreneurship Management and Economics Syllabus
Chemical Engineering(CM) VIII-8th Semester Syllabus

CM-802 Entrepreneurship Management and Economics Course Contents:

Unit-I: System: System and subsystem in process engineering, system analysis, economic degree of freedom, various algorithms, synthesis of processes, flow-sheeting, mathematical representation of steady-state flow-sheet

Unit-II: Management: Importance, definition and functions; schools of theories, knowledge driven learning organization and e-business; environment, uncertainty and adaptability; corporate culture, difficulties and levels of planning, BCG matrix, SWOT analysis, steps in decision making, structured and unstructured decision; dimensions of organizations, size/specialization, behavior formalization, authority centralization, departmentalization, span and line of control, technology and Minzberg organization typology, line, staff & matrix organization, coordination by task force, business process reengineering and process of change management, HR planning placement and training, MIS; attitudes and personality trait, overlap and differences between leader & manager, leadership grid, motivation, Maslows need hierarchy and Herzberg two factor theory, expectation theory, learning process, team work and stress management.

Unit-III Plant Economics: Interaction between design and cost equations for optimal design of equipments, inflation, energy conservation and environmental control, economic design criteria, terms involved in profitability analysis, Gross income, depreciation, net profit.

Unit-IV: Finance: Nature and scope, forms of business ownerships, balance sheet, profit and loss account, fund flow and cash flow statements, breakeven point (BEP) and financial ratio analysis, pay-back period, NPV and capital budgeting.

Unit V: Entrepreneurship: Definition and concepts, characteristics, comparison with manager, classification, theories of entrepreneur, socio, economic, cultural and psychological; entrepreneur traits and behavior, roles in economic growth, employment, social stability, export promotion and indigenization, creating a venture, opportunity analysis competitive and technical factors, sources of funds, entrepreneur development program.

1. Peter MS, Timmerhaus KD; Plant design and economics for chemical engr; TMH
2. Schwery HE; Process engg economics; TMH
3. Daft R; The new era of management; Cengage.
4. Bhat Anil, Arya kumar; Management: Principles ,Processes Practices; Oxford H Ed
5. Khan, Jain; Financial Management;
6. Mohanty SK; Fundamental of Entrepreneurship; PHI.
7. Kuratko, Hoolgetts; Entrepreneurship; Theory Process practice; Cengage.

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