CM 305 Advanced Engineering Chemistry Syllabus RGPV / RGTU B.E. Chemical Engineering(CM) III-3rd Semester Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV Advanced Engineering Chemistry Syllabus
CM 305 Advanced Engineering Chemistry Syllabus
Chemical Engineering(CM) III-3rd Semester Syllabus

CM 305 Advanced Engineering Chemistry Course Contents:

Unit I Electronic Effect: Chemical properties of molecules, hyper conjugation and steric effects,  studies on formation and stability of carbonation and Carbonium ions (with Inductive effects, conjugation & resonance and their effects on physical & simple examples of SN and SN2 reactions)

Unit II Properties of simple monomers: Production, properties & industrial applications of following monomers- Ethylene Styrene, Vinyl Chloride, Vinyl alcohol, Acrylic acid, Methyl Acrylate, Ethyl Acrylate & Methyl Methacrylate.

Unit III Oils and Fats: Vegetable oils by solvent extraction, processing of animal fats, hydrogenation and esterification of oils; Soaps and Detergents Bathing & laundry soaps, cationic and anionic detergents; Specially cleaning, polishing and sanitation proportions, surface active agents, sulphonate oils.

Unit IV Chemical Kinetics: Rate constant, order and molecularity of a reaction, zero, 1st, 2nd and 3rd order reactions; Kinetics of opposing reactions, methods of determination of order of reactions; Reaction rate theories, Arrhenius, parameters, Catalysis (including enzyme catalysis), effect of catalysis on reaction rate.

Unit V Electrochemistry: Galvanic cell, EMF and its determination, free energy concept, Nernst equation of electrode potential, standard electrode potential; PH value, its measurement and pH metric titration, Conductance, its measurement in polar and non polar solvents; Debye & Huckel theory and its modifications in case of strong electrotypes, conducto-metric titration.

Unit VI Phase Rule: Phases, Degrees of freedom, component definition and derivation of phase rule, phase diagram study of Pb-Ag & Zn-Mg systems.

1. B.S.Bahl & G. D. Tuli- Essentials of physical Chemistry. S. Chand & Publishers.
2. Glasstone – Textbook on Physical Chemistry – Prentice Hall, India, New Delhi.
3. Dryden CE- Outlines of Chemical Technology- Prentice Hall, India, New Delhi
4. Levine; Physical Cheistry; TMH.
5. Sivasamkar; Engg Chemistry; TMH
6. Jain & Jain- Engineering Chemisry – Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, Delhi.
7. Austin G.T, Shreeves; Chemical Process Industry – McGraw Hill – Kogmina

List of Experiments
1. To determine the viscosity of a viscous liquid by falling sphere method
2. Determination of saponification value of oil sample
3. Application of pH meter to find acidity and alkalinity of a solution.
4. To study the hydrolysis of cane sugar solution in the presence of an acid by Fehling’s solution method and to find out the reaction constant.
5. To study the adsorption of benzoic acid on animal charcoal and room temperature and to determine the Freundlich constants k,n.
6. Determination of the strength of unknown hydrochloric acid (app. 0.1N) by titrating it against caustic soda by conducto-metric method.
7. To determine the % composition of a given binary liquid solution by polarimeter.
8. To determine the solubility of a sparingly soluble salt in water by conductance measurement.
9. Determination of pH of mixture of CH3COOH and CH3COONa and the dissociation constant of the acid.
10. Preparation of laundry soap and to determine its yield.

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