CM 304 Material & Energy Balance Syllabus RGPV / RGTU B.E. Chemical Engineering(CM) III-3rd Semester Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV Material & Energy Balance Syllabus
CM 304 Material & Energy Balance Syllabus
Chemical Engineering(CM) III-3rd Semester Syllabus

CM 304 Material & Energy Balance Course Contents:

Unit 1 Mathematical and Engineering calculation- Units, different unit systems, conversion of unit
from one system to other dimensions dimensional analysis dimensional group fundamental of conservation of mass conservation of energy Basic of calculation.

Unit 2 Ideal Gases & Vapor pressure-Introduction of ideal gas, behavior of ideal gases, real gas, Vander Wal n , compressibility factor method to solve cubic equation vapour pressure Raoult’s law Humidity relative humidity humid heat humid volume dew point humidity chart and its use.

Unit 3 Material balance-Introduction of component balance solving material balance, with and without simultaneous equ at steady state material balance, with and without simultaneous at unsteady stat recycle by pass and purge calculations.

Unit 4 Energy balance- Heat capacity calculation of enthalpy changes energy balances with chemical reaction Heat of vaporization heat of mixing heat of combustion.

Unit 5 Stochiometry & unit operations-Introduction of unit operation, Distillation Crystallization Drying, Evaporation, Psychometry and its application

1. O.A. Hougen, K.M. Watson, R.A. Ragatz; Chemical Process Principles Part I –CBS pub.
2. David M. Himmelblau- Basic Principles and calculations in chemical Engineering – PHI
3. B.I Bhatt, S.M. Vora; Stoichiometry; TMH.

List of Experiments (Pl. expand it)
1. Determination of boiling point relation wrt concentration of caustic soda and verify Dehring’ rule.
2. Application of dry and wet bulb thermometer to find out atmospheric humidity
3. Use of humidity chart to find enthalpy dew point humid heat and saturation.
4. Solubility at room temperature and boiling point of urea in water and verify the material balance.
5. Crystallization of copper sulfate in saturated solution by cooling and finding out the crystal yield.
6. To find out the heating value of coal using a calorimeter
7. Combustion of coal & performing the material balance
8. Proximate analysis of coal sample
9. Measurement of flame temp and compare actual & theoretical temp (Business- Burner, Sprit- Lamp, Kerosene Lamp.
10. To find the heat of reaction using calcium oxide and water.

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