BPharma, PY 602 Pharmaceutical Analysis II 7th (VII) Semester RGPV / RGTU B Pharma, PHARMACY 7th (VII) Semester Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV PY 602 Pharmaceutical Analysis II
BPharma 7th sem PY 602 Pharmaceutical Analysis II Syllabus
B. PHARMA-VI 6th - Sixth SEMESTER Syllabus (Modified on 27/01/11)
PY 602 Pharmaceutical Analysis II Course Contents:

The theoretical aspects, basic instrumentation, elements of interpretation of spectra and pharmaceutical application of the following analytical techniques –
  1. Chromatography: Paper Chromatography TLC, GLC, HPTLC and HPLC.
  2. Ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry: Beer-lambart law, electronic transitions, instrumentation, methods, chemical derivatisation, structural analysis, applications.
  3. Infra red spectrophotometry & FT-IR: Introduction, Theory, instrumentation, interpretation of  spectra, its advantages and applications in structure elucidation. 
  4. Fluorimetry.
  5. Mass Spectroscopy: Introduction, ionization techniques, mass analyzers, fragmentation rules, instrumentation, the mass spectrum & its applications.
  6. NMR Spectroscopy: Introduction, continous-wave (CW) NMR spectrometry, pulsed fourier transform spectrometry, chemical shift, spin coupling, spin decoupling & its applications.
  7. Atomic Absorption.
  8. X- Ray Diffraction.
  9. Flame Photometry.
  10. Immunoassay techniques: Enzymes & radioimmunoassay techniques, theory, methods & its applications.

  1. Svehla, G. Vogel’s Text Book of Micro and Semi Micro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, Orient Longman, Hyderabad.
  2. Beckett, A.H. and Stenlake, J.B., Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, The Athlone Press of the University of London.
  3. Chatten, L.G., Text Book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Marcel Dekker, New York.
  4. Connors, K,.A., A Text Book of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Wiley Interscience, New York.
  5. Higuchi, J. and Hansen E.B., Pharmaceutical Analysis, Interscience Publisher John Willey and Sons, New York, Sydney.
  6. Silverstein,R.M., Bassier, G.C., and Morril,T.C., Spectrophotometric Identification of Organic Compounds, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  7. Willard, Merritt and Settle, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis,CBS Publisher and Distributors, New Delhi.
  8. Ewing, G.W., Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis,.

  1. Determination of solvent cut off value of different solvents.
  2. Study of effect of various solvents on spectral features of any drug.
  3. Perform the quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of drug by single point method.
  4. Perform the quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of drug by calibration curve method.
  5. Perform the quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of drug by standard absorptivity method.
  6. Simultaneous quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of two drugs by simultaneous equation method.
  7. Simultaneous quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of two drugs by dual wavelength method.
  8. Simultaneous quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of two drugs by derivative spectroscopy.
  9. To determine the drug content of given tablet formulation
  10. Interpretation of given IR spectra.
  11. Quantitative estimation of alprazolam (Any drug) by RP-HPLC.
  12. Simultaneous quantitative estimation of torsemide and spironolactone ( Combination of two drugs) by RP-HPLC.
  13. Acid and alkaline stress degradation study of any drug.
  14. Photo and thermal stress degradation study of any drug.
  15. Oxidative stress degradation study of any drug.

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