RGTU/RGPV PY 602 Pharmaceutical Analysis II
BPharma 7th sem PY 602 Pharmaceutical Analysis II Syllabus
BPharma 7th sem PY 602 Pharmaceutical Analysis II Syllabus
B. PHARMA-VI 6th - Sixth SEMESTER Syllabus (Modified on 27/01/11)
PY 602 Pharmaceutical Analysis II Course Contents:
The theoretical aspects, basic instrumentation, elements of interpretation of spectra and pharmaceutical application of the following analytical techniques –
- Chromatography: Paper Chromatography TLC, GLC, HPTLC and HPLC.
- Ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry: Beer-lambart law, electronic transitions, instrumentation, methods, chemical derivatisation, structural analysis, applications.
- Infra red spectrophotometry & FT-IR: Introduction, Theory, instrumentation, interpretation of spectra, its advantages and applications in structure elucidation.
- Fluorimetry.
- Mass Spectroscopy: Introduction, ionization techniques, mass analyzers, fragmentation rules, instrumentation, the mass spectrum & its applications.
- NMR Spectroscopy: Introduction, continous-wave (CW) NMR spectrometry, pulsed fourier transform spectrometry, chemical shift, spin coupling, spin decoupling & its applications.
- Atomic Absorption.
- X- Ray Diffraction.
- Flame Photometry.
- Immunoassay techniques: Enzymes & radioimmunoassay techniques, theory, methods & its applications.
- Svehla, G. Vogel’s Text Book of Micro and Semi Micro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, Orient Longman, Hyderabad.
- Beckett, A.H. and Stenlake, J.B., Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, The Athlone Press of the University of London.
- Chatten, L.G., Text Book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Marcel Dekker, New York.
- Connors, K,.A., A Text Book of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Wiley Interscience, New York.
- Higuchi, J. and Hansen E.B., Pharmaceutical Analysis, Interscience Publisher John Willey and Sons, New York, Sydney.
- Silverstein,R.M., Bassier, G.C., and Morril,T.C., Spectrophotometric Identification of Organic Compounds, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
- Willard, Merritt and Settle, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis,CBS Publisher and Distributors, New Delhi.
- Ewing, G.W., Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis,.
- Determination of solvent cut off value of different solvents.
- Study of effect of various solvents on spectral features of any drug.
- Perform the quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of drug by single point method.
- Perform the quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of drug by calibration curve method.
- Perform the quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of drug by standard absorptivity method.
- Simultaneous quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of two drugs by simultaneous equation method.
- Simultaneous quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of two drugs by dual wavelength method.
- Simultaneous quantitative spectrophotometric estimation of two drugs by derivative spectroscopy.
- To determine the drug content of given tablet formulation
- Interpretation of given IR spectra.
- Quantitative estimation of alprazolam (Any drug) by RP-HPLC.
- Simultaneous quantitative estimation of torsemide and spironolactone ( Combination of two drugs) by RP-HPLC.
- Acid and alkaline stress degradation study of any drug.
- Photo and thermal stress degradation study of any drug.
- Oxidative stress degradation study of any drug.
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