BPharma, PY 105 Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Inorganic Chemistry) 1st First Semester RGPV / RGTU B Pharma, PHARMACY 1st First Semester Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV PY 105 Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Inorganic Chemistry) Syllabus
BPharma 1st sem PY 105 Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Inorganic Chemistry) Syllabus
B. PHARMA-1st - First SEMESTER Syllabus (Modified on 27/01/11)
PY 105 Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Inorganic Chemistry) Course Contents:

1. Elements and periodicity
Modem periodic law and present form of the periodic table, s, p, d and f block elements, periodic trends in properties of elements- atomic and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, valence, oxidation states and chemical reactivity.

2. Sources of impurities in pharmaceutical substances
Importance of limit test and general principles and procedure for limit tests of chloride, sulphate, iron, arsenic, lead and heavy metals.

3. Essential and Trace Elements
Study the role of essential and trace elements in biological systems and their toxicity.

Major Intra and extra cellular electrolytes: Major physiological ions, electrolytes used in replacement therapy, physiological acids-base balance, electrolytes used in acid-base therapy, electrolyte combination therapy.

4. Inorganic Agents
Occurrence, preparation, physical characteristics, chemical properties, purity test, incompatibilities, assay and pharmaceutical uses of inorganic official compounds of the following elements;
Aluminum, Sodium, Magnesium, Lithium, Calcium, Iron, Copper, Silver, Antimony, Iodine, Boran, Potassium, Zinc, Nitrogen
Reagents: Preparation, properties and uses of the following reagents; Nesslers reagent, boron trifluoride, Grignard reagent, Potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, Hydrogen peroxide, Iodine solution.

6. Radiopharmaceuticals
Basic properties, production, quality control, stability, clinical and medicinal applications of radioisotopes used in pharmacy and medicine preparations of diagnostic and therapeutic agents.

List of Practicals
1. Limit test for Lead.
2. Limit test for Arsenic.
3. Limit test for Chloride.
4. Limit test for Sulfate.
5. Limit test for Heavy metals.
6. Standardization of sulphuric acid.
7. Standardization of hydrochloric acid.
8. Standardization of sodium hydroxide.
9. Standardization of potassium permanganate.
10. Standardization of sodium thiosulphate.
11. Determination of strength of solution of ammonia.
12. Quantitative determination of boric acid.
13. Assay of sodium bicarbonate.
14. Assay of sodium carbonate.
15. Assay of ferrous sulphate.
16. Assay of iodine solutions.
17. Preparation of Alum (potassium and ammonium).
18. Preparation of Ferrous sulfate.
19. Preparation of dibasic calcium phosphate.
20. Preparation of ferric ammonium citrate.
21. Preparation of light and heavy magnesium oxide and
22. Preparation of magnesium carbonate.
23. Preparation of calcium carbonate.
24. Preparation of magnesium trisilicate.
25. Preparation of zinc sulphate.
26. Purification of Copper sulfate.

Books Recommended
1. L.M. Atherdon, Bently and Drivers: Textbook of pharmaceutical chemistry, Oxford, University press.
2. Pharmacopoeia of India, Govt. of India, Ministry of Health, Delhi.
3. J.H. Block, E. Roche, T.O. Soine and C. O. Wilson: Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical chemistry, Lee Febiger, Philadelphia. PA.
4. Roger’s Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, USA.
5. M. Ali: Text book of Pharmaceutical Inorganic chemistry, CBS, New Delhi.
6. Mellor’s Modern Inorganic Chemistry, Longman Green and Co., Ltd., London.
7. Atkins P.W. Physical Chemistry, Oxford 1990 2.
8. Barrow G.M. Physical Chemistry, McGraw-Hill 1989
9. Beckett & Stenlake, Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
10. Liptrot G.F. Modern Inorganic Chemistry, Blantyre Printing
11. British Pharmacopoeia, Stationary Press, Royal Society of Pharmaceutical Press, London.
12. United State Pharmacopoeia, United State Pharmacopoeial Convention, Inc., 12601. Twinbrook Parkway, Rockyville M.D. 20852 USA.
13. Lovis F. Fiesev D.C. Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry, Health and Company, Boston.
14. Vogel Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Longman, London.
15. Remington Practical of the Science and Pharmacy, Mack Publishing Company, Eston, Pennsylvania, USA.

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