RGTU/RGPV Chemical Reaction Engineering II Syllabus
CM 704 Chemical Reaction Engineering II Syllabus
Chemical Engineering(CM) VII-7th Semester Syllabus
CM 704 Chemical Reaction Engineering II Course Contents:
Unit-I Heterogeneous processes: Catalysis and adsorption; Classification of catalysts, Preparation of catalysts, Promoters and Inhibitors, General mechanism of catalytic reactions surface area and pore size distribution Rate equation of fluid solid catalytic reactions, Hougen - Watson & Poinule law models, Procurement and analysis of kinetic data, kinetics of catalyst deactivation.
Unit -II External transport processes and their effects on heterogeneous reactions yield and selectivity Reaction and diffusion in porous catalysts, Isothermal and non-isothermal effectiveness factors, Effect of intra-phase transport on yield, selectivity & poisoning, Global reaction rate.
Unit -III Design of catalytic reactors, Isothermal & adiabatic fixed bad reactor staged adiabatic reactors, Non isothermal, non adiabatic fixed bed reactors, Fluidized bed reactors, Slurry reactors, Trickle bed reactors.
Unit-IV Models for fluid - solid non-catalytic reactions, controlling mechanisms, Diffusion through gas film controls. Diffusion through ash layer controls, Chemical reaction controls, fluidized bed reactors with
and without elutriation.
Unit – V Gas-liquid reactions and liquid-liquid reaction, Rate equation based on film theory, Reaction design for instantaneous reactions and slow reactions, Aerobic Fermentation, Application to Design Tools for Fast Reactions.
1. Smiili J.M; Chemical engg. Kinetics; TMH
2. Denbig K.G & Turner KG; Chemical theory - an introduction to reactors; United press
3. Cooper G. & Jeffery JVJ; Chemical kinetics and reactor engg.; PHI
4. Rajaram J, Kuriacose JC; Kinetics and mech. of Chemical Transformations; MacMillan
5. Levenspiel O; Chemical reaction engg; Wiley Eastern Singapore.
6. Hougen, watson & Ragatz; Chemical process principles part 3
7. Fogler, HS; Elements of chemical reaction engg.; PHI
List of Experiments (Please expand it):
Experiments based on above theory
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon