7th Semester CM 701 (A) Petroleum Processing Technology Semester Syllabus RGPV / RGTU B.E. Chemical Engineering(CM) VII-7th Semester Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV Petroleum Processing Technology  Syllabus
 CM 701 (A) Petroleum Processing Technology  Syllabus
Chemical Engineering(CM) VII-7th Semester Syllabus

 CM 701 (A) Petroleum Processing Technology Course Contents:

Unit I Origin and occurrence of petroleum crude, status of petroleum refining in India; composition of petroleum, classification and physical properties of petroleum.; evolution of crude oil and petroleum products, future refining trends.

Unit II Crude oil distillation process, pretreatment of crude, atmospheric and vacuum distillation process; secondary conversion processes; catalytic reforming, catalytic cracking and deep catalytic cracking.

Unit III Heavy residue up-gradation technologies; hydro-cracking, hydro-treating, vis-breaking and delayed coking alkylation, isomerisation, dehydrogenation processes, polymerization.

Unit IV Lubricating oil, grease and bitumen: de-waxing and de-oiling, de-asphalting, lube hydro-finishing, bitumen air blowing, sweetening and desulphurization; hydro-desulphurisation of petroleum products.

Unit V Refinery products, refinery gas utilization, LPG, propylene and hydrogen recovery, reformulated gasoline; present and future requirements.

1. Nelson WL; Petroleum refinery engineering ; Mc. Graw hill
2. Hobson GD; Modern petroleum technology Part I & II; John Wiely & sons.

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