RGTU/RGPV MCA-405 Elective-I : E1(b) Java Programming & Technologies Syllabus MCA 4th -Fourth sem Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV MCA-405 Elective-I : E1(b) Java Programming & Technologies Syllabus
MCA 4th Sem MCA-405 Elective-I : E1(b) Java Programming & Technologies Syllabus
MCA 4th - Fourth Semester Syllabus

MCA-405 Elective-I : E1(b) Java Programming & Technologies Course Contents:

The Java Environment: History of Java: Comparison of Java and C++; Java as an object oriented language: Java buzzwords; A simple program, its compilation and execution; the concept of CLASSPATH; Basic idea of application and applet;
Basics: Data types; Operators- precedence and associativity; Type conversion; The decision making – if, if ..else, switch; loops – for, while, do…while; special statements–return, break, continue, labeled break, labeled continue; Modular programming methods; arrays; memory allocation and garbage collection in java keywords.
Object Oriented Programming in Java: Class; Packages; scope and lifetime; Access specifies; Constructors; Copy constructor; this pointer; finalize () method; arrays; Memory allocation and garbage collection in java keywords
Inheritance : Inheritance basics, method overriding, dynamics method dispatch, abstract classes.

Interfaces : defining an interface, implementing & applying interfaces, variables in interfaces, extending interfaces.
Multithreading and Exception Handling: Basic idea of multithreaded programming; The lifecycle of a thread; Creating thread with the thread class and runnable interface; Thread synchronization; Thread scheduling; Producer-consumer relationship; Daemon thread, Selfish threads; Basic idea of exception handling; The try, catch and throw; throws Constructor and finalizers in exception handling; Exception Handling.

Applets: Applet security restrictions; the class hierarchy for applets; Life cycle of applet; HTML Tags for applet.
The AWT: The class hierarchy of window fundamentals; The basic user interface components Label, Button, Check Box, Radio Button, Choice menu, Text area, Scroll list, Scroll bar; Frame; Layout managersflow layout, Grid layout, Border layout, Card layout.
The Java Event Handling Model: Java’s event delegation model – lgnoring the event, Self contained
events, Delegating events; The event class hierarchy; The relationship between interface, methods called, parameters and event source; Adapter classes; Event classes action Event, Adjustment Event, Container Event, Focus Event, Item Event, Eey Event, Mouse Event, Text Event, Window Event.

Input/Output : Exploring Java i.o., Directories, stream classes 
The Byte stream : Input stream, output stream, file input stream, file output stream, print stream, Random access file, the character streams, Buffered reader, buffered writer, print writer, serialization.
JDBC: JDBC-ODBC bridge; The connectivity model; The driver manager; Navigating the resultset object contents; java.sql Package; The JDBC exception classes; Connecting to Remote database.

Networking & RMI: Java Networking : Networking Basics : Socket, Client server, reserved sockets, proxy servers, Inet address, TCP sockets, UDP sockets. ; RMI for distributed computing; RMI registry services; Steps of creating RMI Application and an example.
Collections: The collections framework, collection interfaces, collection classes.

1. Naughton & Schildt “The Complete Reference Java 2”, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Deitel “Java- How to Program:” Pearson Education, Asia
3. Horstmann & Cornell “Core Java 2” (Vol I & II ) , Sun Microsystems
4. lvan Bayross “Java 2.0” : BPB publications
5. Ivor Horton’s “Beginning Java 2, JDK 5 Ed., Wiley India.

Note : Paper is to be set unit wise with internal choice.

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