Information Technology IT 3rd Semester Syllabus,
Unit I
Fourier Series: Introduction of Fourier series , Fourier series for Discontinuous functions, Fourier series for even and odd function, Half range series Fourier Transform: Definition and properties of Fourier transform, Sine and Cosine transform.
Unit II
Laplace Transform: Introduction of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of elementary functions, properties of Laplace Transform, Change of scale property, second shifting property, Laplace transform of the derivative, Inverse Laplace transform & its properties, Convolution theorem, Applications of L.T. to solve the ordinary differential equations
Unit III
Second Order linear differential equation with variable coefficients : Methods one integral is known, removal of first derivative, changing of independent variable and variation of parameter, Solution by Series Method
Unit IV
Linear and Non Linear partial differential equation of first order: Formulation of partial differential equations, solution of equation by direct integration, Lagrange’s Linear equation, charpit’s method. Linear partial differential equation of second and higher order: Linear homogeneous and Non homogeneous partial diff. equation of nth order with constant coefficients. Separation of variable method for the solution of wave and heat equations
Unit V
Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors, scalar and vector point function, geometrical meaning of Gradient, unit normal vector and directional derivative, physical interpretation of divergence and Curl. Line integral, surface integral and volume integral, Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorem
(i) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley India
(ii) Higher Engineering Mathematics by BS Grewal, Khanna Publication
(iii) Advance Engineering Mathematics by D.G.Guffy
(iv) Mathematics for Engineers by S.Arumungam, SCITECH Publuication
(v) Engineering Mathematics by S S Sastri. P.H.I.
(i) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley India
(ii) Higher Engineering Mathematics by BS Grewal, Khanna Publication
(iii) Advance Engineering Mathematics by D.G.Guffy
(iv) Mathematics for Engineers by S.Arumungam, SCITECH Publuication
(v) Engineering Mathematics by S S Sastri. P.H.I.
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