AU 702(A) Renewable Energy System AU, 7th (V) Semester Revised syllabus Automobile Engineering(AU)

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AU 702(A) Renewable Energy System Syllabus
 RGTU/RGPV Renewable Energy System Syllabus
Automobile Engineering AU 7th Semester Syllabus 

AU 702(A) Renewable Energy System Course contents

 UNIT-I Solar Radiation: Extra-terrestrial and terrestrial, radiation measuring instrument, radiation measurement and predictions. Solar thermal conversion: Basics, Flat plate collectors-liquid and air type. Theory of flat plate collectors, selective coating, advanced collectors, Concentrators: optical design of concentrators, solar water heater, solar dryers, solar stills, solar cooling and refrigeration. Solar photovoltaic: Principle of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy; Technology for fabrication of photovoltaic devices; Applications of solar cells in PV generation systems; Organic PV cells.

UNIT-II Wind energy characteristics and measurement: Metrology of wind speed distribution, wind speed statistics, Weibull, Rayleigh and Normal distribution, Measurement of wind data, Energy estimation of wind regimes; Wind Energy Conversion: Wind energy conversion principles; General introduction; Types and classification of WECS; Power, torque and speed characteristics; power curve of wind turbine, capacity factor, matching wind turbine with wind regimes; Application of wind energy.

UNIT-III Production of biomass, photosynthesis-C3 & C4 plants on biomass production; Biomass resources assessment; Co2 fixation potential of biomass; Classification of biomass; Physicochemical characteristics of biomass as fuel Biomass conversion routes: biochemical, chemical and thermochemical Biochemical conversion of biomass to energy: anaerobic digestion, biogas production mechanism, technology, types of digesters, design of biogas plants, installation, operation and maintenance of biogas plants, biogas plant manure-utilization and manure values. Biomass Gasification: Different types, power generation from gasification, cost benefit analysis of power generation by gasification.

UNIT-IV Small Hydropower Systems: Overview of micro, mini and small hydro system; hydrology; Elements of turbine; Assessment of hydro power; selection and design criteria of turbines; site selection and civil works; speed and voltage regulation; Investment issue load management and tariff collection; Distribution and marketing issues. Ocean Energy: Ocean energy resources, ocean energy routs; Principle of ocean thermal energy conversion system, ocean thermal power plants. Principles of ocean wave energy and Tidal energy conversion.

UNIT-V Geothermal energy: Origin of geothermal resources, type of geothermal energy deposits, site selection geothermal power plants; Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen as a source of energy, Hydrogen production and storage. Fuel Cells: Types of fuel cell, fuel cell system and sub-system, Principle of working, basic thermodynamics

1. Kothari, Singal & Rajan; Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies, PHI Learn
2. Khan, B H, Non Conventional Energy, TMH.
3. Sukhatme and Nayak, Solar Energy, Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, TMH.
4. Tiwari and Ghosal, Renewable Energy Resources: basic principle & application, Narosa Publ
5. Koteswara Rao, Energy Resources, Conventional & Non-Conventional, BSP Publication.
6. Chetan Singh Solanki, Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamental, technologies and Application, PHI L
7. Abbasi Tanseem and Abbasi SA; Renewable Energy Sources; PHI Learning
8. Ravindranath NH and Hall DO, Biomass, Energy and Environment, Oxford University Press.
9. Duffie and Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Process, Wiley
10. Nikolai, Khartchenko; Green Power; Tech Book International
11. Tester, Sustainable Energy-Choosing Among Options, PHI Learning.
12. Godfrey Boyle, Renewable Energy: Power for a sustainable future, Oxford OUP.

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