ME 8th sem Energy Conservation and Audit Syllabus ME801A Energy Conservation and Audit Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV ME 801A Energy Conservation and Audit Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV Energy Conservation and Audit SYLLABUS
Mechanical Engineering ME 8th Semester Syllabus

Branch : Mechanical Engineering, VIII Semester 
Course:  Energy Conservation and Audit

UNIT-I Energy Management: Concept of energy management, energy demand and supply, economic analysis; Duties and responsibilities of energy managers.  Energy Conservation: Basic concept, energy conservation in Household, Transportation, Agricultural, service and Industrial sectors, Lighting, HAVC.

UNIT-II Energy Audit: Definition, need and types of energy audit; Energy management (Audit) approach: Understanding energy cost, bench marking, energy performance, matching energy use to requirement, maximizing system efficiencies, optimizing the input energy requirement; Fuel & energy substitution; Energy audit instruments; Energy conservation Act; Duties and responsibilities of energy manager and auditors.

UNIT-III Material energy balance: Facility as an energy system; Method for preparing process flow; material and energy balance diagrams. Energy Action Planning: Key elements, force field analysis; Energy policy purpose, perspective, content, formulation, rectification

UNIT-IV Monitoring and Targeting: Definition monitoring & targeting; Data and information analysis. Electrical Energy Management: energy conservation in motors, pumps and fan systems; energy efficient motors.

UNIT-IV Thermal energy management: Energy conservation in boilers, steam turbine and industrial heating system; Application of FBC; Cogeneration and waste heat recovery; Thermal insulation; Heat exchangers and heat pump; Building Energy Management.

ME 801 Energy Conservation and Audit References: 
1. Murphy & Mckay, Energy Management, BSP Books Pvt. Ltd.
2. Smith CB; Energy Management Principle, Pergamon Press, New York.
3. Rajan GG, Optimising Energy Efficiency in Industry, TMH.
4. Callaghan P O, Energy Management, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
5. Amit Kumar Tyagi, Handbook on Energy Audit and Management, Tata Energy Research Institute.
6. Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Study material for energy Managers and Auditors: Paper I to V.
7. Hamies; Energy Auditing and Conservation: Method, Measurement…, Hemisphere, Washington.
8. Witty, Larry C, Industrial Enegy Management Utilisation, Hemisphere Publishers, Washington
9.Kreith & Goswami, Energy Management and Conservation Handbook, CRC Press.

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