IT 8th sem Data Mining and Warehousing Syllabus IT840 Data Mining and Warehousing Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV IT 840 Data Mining and Warehousing  Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV Data Mining and Warehousing  SYLLABUS
Information Technology IT 8th Semester Syllabus

Branch : Information Technology, VIII Semester 
Course:  Data Mining and Warehousing 

Unit I: Data Warehousing:  Need for data warehousing , Basic elements of data warehousing, Data Mart, Data Warehouse Architecture, extract and load Process, Clean and Transform data, Star ,Snowflake and Galaxy Schemas for Multidimensional databases, Fact and dimension data, Partitioning Strategy-Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning.

Unit II:  Data Warehouse and OLAP technology,
Multidimensional  data models and different OLAP Operations, OLAP Server: ROLAP, MOLAP, Data Warehouse implementation ,Efficient Computation of Data Cubes,  Processing of OLAP queries, Indexing data. 

Unit III:  Data Mining:  Data Preprocessing ,Data Integration and Transformation,  Data Reduction, Discretizaion and Concept Hierarchy Generation , Basics of data mining, Data mining techniques, KDP (Knowledge Discovery Process), Application and Challenges of Data Mining, Introduction of Web Structure Mining, Web Usage Mining, Spatial Mining, Text Mining, Security Issue, Privacy Issue, Ethical Issue.

Unit IV: Mining Association Rules in Large Databases: Association Rule Mining, Single-Dimensional Boolean Association Rules, Multi-Level Association Rule, Apriori Algorithm, Fp-Growth Algorithm, Time series mining association rules, latest trends in association rules mining.

Unit V:  Classification and Clustering Distance Measures,  Types of Clustering,  K-Means Algorithm,Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Association Rule Based, Other Classification Methods, Prediction, Classifier Accuracy, Categorization of methods, Partitioning methods, Outlier Analysis.

Data Mining and Warehousing  Reference:- 
P.Ponnian, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals”, John Weliey.
Han,Kamber, “Data Mining  Concepts & Techniques”, M.Kaufman.
M.H.Dunham, “Data Mining  Introductory & Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education.
Ralph Kimball, “The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Tool Kit”, John Wiley.
M.Berry , G.Linoff, “Master in Data Mining”, John Wiley.
W.H.Inmon, “Building the  Data Ware houses”, Wiely Dreamtech.
E.G. Mallach , “The Decision Support  & Data Warehouse Systems”, TMH

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