IP 6th sem Total Quality Management and SQC syllabus RGTU/RGPV IP-602 Total Quality Management and SQC syllabus

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IP-602 Total Quality Management and SQC Syllabus
 RGTU/RGPV Total Quality Management and SQC SYLLABUS
Industrial Production Engineering IP 6th Semester Syllabus

Unit 1 Evolution of total quality management, historical perspective, teamwork, TQM and ISO 9000; information technology and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR); TPM and quality awards; aids and barriers to quality mgt, creating vision and initiating transformation, establishing programs for education and self improvements, measurement of key indicators; quality mgt leader; cross functional teams and coordination, policy setting and review, flowchart of policy mgt and relation with daily mgt.

Unit 2 Process:- definition, variation and feedback, funnel-marble experiment- rules of adjustment and its effects, quality- definition, goalpost and kaizen view, quality of design, conformance and performance; Taguchi loss function, cost of quality, chain action of improving quality to productivity to motivation and low cost; Deming’s theory of mgt, fourteen points and variance reduction; attributes enumerative and variables analytic studies.

Unit 3 SQC-Control charts: basic discrete and continuous distributions, measures of central tendency, variability and shapes, sampling, size and central value theorem, control chart structure, process plotting and stability, study of out-of-control evidences, defect detection and prevention, use of control charts in evaluating past, present and future trends; attribute control charts, count and classification charts, construction and interpretation of p , np , c and u charts, PDSA cycle(plan, do, study, act), and R charts, points.

Unit 4 Process diagnostics: Between and Within Group variations, periodic and persistent disturbances, control chart patterns-natural, level-shift, cycle, wild, multi-universe, relationship and other out of control patterns; diagnosing a process, brainstorming; cause-effect, Ishikava, interrelationship, systematic and matrix diagrams; change concepts and waste elimination

Unit 5 Process improvement: Performance and technical specifications, attribute-process and variable-process capability studies; unstable and stable process capability studies and examples; attribute and variable improvement studies; Inspection: acceptance sampling(AS)- lot formation, single, double and multiple/sequential sampling plans, operating characteristic (OC) curve, producer and consumer risk, theoretical invalidation of AS, kp rule for stable and chaotic processes.

RGTU/RGPV IP-602 Total Quality Management and SQC syllabus References:

1.  Gitlow HS, Oppenheim et al; Quality Management; TMH
2.  Juran J. M., Quality Planning and Analysis
3.  Sharma P. D, TQM, Sultanchand
4.  Naidu Babu and Rajendran; TQM; New age International pub;
5.  Kulkarni VA and Bewoor  AK; Quality Control; Wiley
6.  Chase Richard B et al; Operations management; SIE-TMH
7.  Chary SN; Production and Operations Management; TMH
8.  Quality Management by Howard S Gitlow, TMH

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