IP 6th sem Operations Management syllabus RGTU/RGPV IP-601 Operations Management syllabus

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IP-601 Operations Management Syllabus
 RGTU/RGPV Operations Management SYLLABUS
Industrial Production Engineering IP 6th Semester Syllabus

Unit 1 Operations Management (OM): Definition, history, industrial and IT revolution (ERP); tangible and service products continum, employment shift from agriculture, manufacturing to service; customer orientation; basic process formats on product volume-variety graph; concept of raw process time, critical WIP, bottle neck thruput and cycle-time with example of Penny-Fab-1,2; Little’s law, best and case performance, thruput and cycle time formula in practical-worst-case; criteria of performance, worst decision area,  business strategy, environment scan, SWOT, Porters’ five forces, core competency, competitive priorities of cost, quality, time and flexibility, order winners; production strategy of Make To Order-MTO, MTS and ATO (assemble to order); productivity, standard of living and happiness.

Unit 2 Product:-Life Cycle and PLC management; design steps, evolution and innovation, traditional v/s  concurrent design, form and functional design, simplification and standardization, differentiation/ mass customization, modular design, design for mfg and environment (DFM, DFE), technologies used in design. Service characteristics and classification based on people-things v/s direct-indirect service actions, service triangle of customer, provider and system; technical and functional (delivery) service quality and other service performance factors, Valerie’s service quality model; globalization of services.

Unit 3 Processes: transformation and value addition, selection based on cost, quality and flexibility considerations;  reliability,  bath-tub  curve,  series  and  parallel  components, MTBF;  availability and maintainability, preventive maintenance, TPM; value analysis; replacement models; Quality-definition, Taguchi loss function, cost of quality, chain action of improving quality to productivity to motivation and low cost; product  and process specs; the funnel-marble experiment and variance reduction, process capability, six sigma and its implementation by DMAIC, QFD, TQM and ISO-9000.

Unit 4 Plant-facilities: Impact of organization strategies on choice of region and site, existing or new organization, decision-affecting factors for location, load distance, dimensional and factor analysis methods,  Brown-Gibson model, foreign locations, non-profit govt. services (health, school) locations. facility layout  objectives and factors, basic layouts, merits and optimization; subjective relationship ranking method,  computer programs CRAFT and 3-d modeling; problems of inventories flow and operators in process layout and inflexibility in product layout, flexible cellular layout, group technology; capacity and equipment selection, importance of spare capacity to reduce Q-length and cycle time.

Unit 5 Programs/ procedures of production control (PPC): corporate and production planning process,  aggregate  plan,  master  production schedule  and  material  planning; matching  supply  to demand  fluctuations over time horizon, Forecasting elements, time series, regression, causal and Delphi methods; use of LP in aggregate plan and HMMS model, assembly line balancing, elemental task, station time and cycle time, balance delays; sequencing, Johnson method for n-job 2/3 m/c, NP hard job-shop sequencing, heuristic dispatch rules; synchronous mfg, TOC, drum-buffer-rope and focus on bottleneck as control point; JIT lean mfg, Kanban and CONWIP shop floor controls, Kaizen.

RGTU/RGPV IP-601 Operations Management syllabus References:
1.  Chary SN; Production and Operations Management; TMH
2.  Hopp W and Spearman M; Factory Physics; TMH
3.  Gitlow Howard et al; Quality Management; TMH
4.  Stevenson W J; Operations Management; TMH
5.  Khanna RB; Production and Operations Management; PHI
6.  Vollman, Berry et al; Manufacturing planning and control for SCM; TMH.
7.  Chase Richard B et al; Operations management; SIE-TMH
8.  Adam EE and Ebert RJ; Production and Operations Management Concepts; PHI Learning

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