EE 6th sem Energy Conservation & Management Syllabus EE 605 Energy Conservation & Management Electrical Engineering Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV EE-605 Energy Conservation & Management Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV Energy Conservation & Management SYLLABUS
Electrical Engineering EE 6th Semester Syllabus

Branch: Electrical Engineering-VI Semester
Course: EE605 Energy Conservation & Management

UNIT-I General energy problem: Energy use patterns and scope for conservation.  Energy audit: Energy monitoring, Energy  accounting and analysis, Auditing and targeting. Energy conservation policy,  Energy management & audit, Energy audit, Types of energy audit, energy management (audit), qualities and function of energy managers, language of an energy manager, Questionnaire, Check list for top management, Loss of energy in material flow, energy performance, Maximizing system efficiency, Optimizing, input energy requirements, Energy auditing instruments, Material load energy balance diagram.

Unit-II Thermodynamics of Energy Conservation. Basic principle. Irreversibility and second law efficiency analysis of systems. Primary energy sources, optimum use of prime-movers, energy efficient house keeping, energy recovery in thermal systems, waste heat recovery techniques,  thermal insulation. Thermal energy audit in heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Maintenance and Energy audit – friction, lubrication and tribo-logical innovations. Predictive and preventive maintenance.

Unit-III Load curve analysis & load management DSM, Energy storage for power systems (Mechanical, Thermal, Electrical & Magnetic) Restructuring of electric tariff from energy conservation consideration, Economic analysis depreciation method, time value of money, Evaluation method of projects, replacement analysis, special problems inflation risk analysis.  Pay back period, Energy economics, Cost Benefit Risk analysis, Pay back period.

UNIT-IV Energy efficient electric drives, Energy efficient motors V.S.D. power factor improvement in power system. Energy Conservation in transportation system especially in electric vehicle. Energy flow networks, Simulation & modeling, formulation & Objective & constraints, alternative option, Matrix chart.

Unit-V Energy conservation task before industry, Energy conservation equipments, Co-Generation, Energy conservation process, Industry Sugar, Textiles, Cement Industry etc Electrical Energy Conservation in building, heating and lighting. domestic gadgets 
EE 605 Energy Conservation & Management References:    
  1. Energy Management – W.R. Murphy & G. Mckey Butler worths.   E
  2. nergy Management Head Book- W.C. Turner, John Wiley   
  3. Energy Management Principles- Craig B. Smith, Pergamon Press   
  4. Energy Conservation- Paul O Callagan- Pergamon Press  
  5. Design & Management of energy conservation. Callaghan,   
  6. Elect, Energy Utilization & Conservation. Dr. Tripathi S.C.,

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