EE 6th sem Electric Power Generation Syllabus EE 602 Electric Power Generation Electrical Engineering Syllabus

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RGTU/RGPV EE-602 Electric Power Generation Syllabus
RGTU/RGPV Electric Power Generation SYLLABUS
Electrical Engineering EE 6th Semester Syllabus

Branch: Electrical Engineering-VI Semester
Course: EE602 Electric Power Generation

 Unit I   General consideration on various sources of energy, energy conversion employing steam, energy conversion using water gas turbine
     a) MHD generation
    b) Solar generation 
    c) Wind power station
    d) Geothermal power generation.

Unit II    Thermal, nuclear and gas power station:
    Block  diagram of thermal power station, selection of site. Different types of  auxilaries used in      thermal power station. Nuclear Power Station: Different types of reactors and fuels, safety  methods, waste disposal..

Unit III    Gas Power Station:  Block diagram, gas cycles, combined cycle power plants. Comparison between these power stations
   Hydro Power Station:  Choice of site, block diagram including surge tank and  penstock, Hydrographs, flow duration curve. Types of turbines, base load and peak load power station.

Unit IV    Economic aspects of power plant operations:
Definitions load factor, demand factor and Diversity factor. Calculation of cost of generation, fixed charges, interest and depreciations, Methods of  Depreciation. Tariffs: Different types of tariffs, power factor improvement.
Unit V    Economic Scheduling of Power Stations:   
Economic operation of power system, criteria of loading of power plants with and without transmission loss, load dispatching in power system, co-generation and coordination of power plants.

EE 602 Electric Power Generation Reference:
1.G.R.Nagpal,Power Plant Engineering, Khanna Publisher
2.M.V.Deshpandey,Modern Design of Power Station.

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