IP-401 Material Science & Metallurgy Revised syllabus Industrial and Production Engineering(IP) RGPV / RGTU B.E. IP, 4th (IV) Semester syllabus

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Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
B.E. (IP) Industrial and Production Engineering
IP 401 Material Science & Metallurgy syllabus
Revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination Effective from July 2007

Unit I: Crystal Atoms of Solid: Structure of atom binding in solids metallic, Vander walls, ionic and covalent, Space lattice and crystal system arrangement of atoms in BCC, FCC and HCP crystal.
Manufacture of Refractory and Ferrous Metals: Properties uses and selection of acid, basic and natural refractory, metallurgical coke, Properties, types, uses and brief description of the manufacturing processes for iron and steel making.

Unit II Plastic deformation of Metals: Point and line defects in crystals, their relation to mechanical properties, deformation of metal by slip and twinning stress strain curves of poly crystalline materials viz. mild steel cast iron and brass yield point phenomenon. Cold and hot working of metals and their effect on mechanical properties, annealing of cold worked metals, principles of re-crystallization and grain growth phenomenon, fracture in metal and alloys,
ductile and brittle fracture, fatigue failure

Unit III: Alloy Formation and Binary Diagram: Phase in metal system solution and inter-metallic compounds. Hume-Rottery’s rules, solidification of pure metals and alloy equilibrium diagrams of isomorphous, eutectic peritectic and eutectoid system, non-equilibrium cooling and coring iron, iron carbon equilibrium diagram.

Unit IV: Heat Treatment of Alloys Principles of Heat Treatment of Steel: TTT curves heat treating processes, normalizing, annealing spheroldizing, hardening, tempering, case hardening, austempering, mar-tempering, precipitation hardening process with reference to Al, Cu alloys

Unit V: Properties of Material: Creep Fatigue etc., Introduction to cast iron and steel, Non Ferrous metals base alloys, Bronze, Brasses, Duralumin, and Bearing Metals.
Plastics, Composites and ceramics: Various types of plastics, their properties and selection. Plastic molding technology, FRP, GRP resins adhesive, elastomers and their application.
Powder Metallurgy: Property and Applications of Powder Metallurgy, Various process and methods of making products by powder Metallurgy techniques.

1. Narula GK, KS and GuptaVK; Material science; TMH
2. Raghavan V; Material Science and Engineering, PHI Publication.
3. Raghavan V; Physical Metallurgy Principles and Practice; PHI
4. Rajendran V and Marikani; Material science; TMH
5. Sriniwasan R; Engineering materials and Metallurgy; TMH
6. Navneet Gupta, Material Science & Engineering, Dhanpat Rai.
7. B. K. Agrawal, Introduction to Engineering Materials, TMH.

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