RGPV / RGTU B.E. EC, 5th (V) Semester syllabus EC 502 Electromagnetic Theory Revised syllabus Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC)

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Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
B.E. (EC) Electronics and Communication Engineering
EC 502 Electromagnetic Theory
Revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination Effective from July 2007

Unit I Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate systems, scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence and curl of a vector field, Divergence theorem and Stokes’s theorem, concept of vectors. Electrostatic Fields – Coulomb’s law, electric field intensity due to different charge distribution viz. line charge, sheet charge, Field due to continuous volume – electric potential, properties of potential function, potential gradient equipotential surfaces, line of force, Gauss law, applications of Gauss law, Gauss law in point form method of images.

Unit II Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, solution of Laplace’s equation. Electric dipole, dipole moment, potential and electric field intensity due to dipole. Behavior of conductors in an electric field. Conductor and insulator, electric field inside a dielectric, polarization. Boundary value conditions for electric Field. Capacitance and Capacitances of various types of capacitors. Energy stored and energy density in static electric field. Current density, conduction and convection current density, Ohms law in point form, equation of continuity.

Unit III Static Magnetic Field, Biot-Savart’s law, Magnetic Field intensity due to straight current carrying filament, circular, square and solenoidal current carrying wire. Relationship between magnetic flux, flux density and magnetic field intensity. Ampere’s circuital law and its applications, magnetic field intensity due to infinite sheet and various other configurations, Ampere’s circuital law in point form. Magnetic force, moving charge in a magnetic field, Lorentz force on straight and long current carrying conductors in magnetic field, force between two long and parallel current carrying conductors. Magnetic dipole and dipole moment, a differential current loop as dipole, torque on a current carrying loop in magnetic field, magnetic boundary conditions.

Unit IV Scalar magnetic potential and its limitations, Vector magnetic potential and its properties, vector magnetic potential due to different simple configurations; Self and Mutual inductances, determination of self and mutual inductances, self inductance of solenoid, toroid coils, mutual inductance between a straight long wire and a square loop. Energy stored in magnetic Field and energy density. Faraday’s Law, transformer and motional EMF equations. Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations as generalization of circuit equations, Maxwell’s equation in free space, Maxwell’s equation for harmonically varying field, static and steady fields. Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral form.

Unit V Electro Magnetic Waves: Uniform plane wave in time domain in free space, Sinusoidally time varying uniform plane wave in free space, Wave equation and solution for various medium, Uniform plane wave in dielectrics and conductors. Poynting Vector theorem, instantaneous, average and complex poynting vector, power loss in a plane conductor, energy storage. Polarisation of waves. Reflection by conductors and dielectric – Normal and Oblique incidence. Reflection at surface of a conducting medium, surface impedance, transmission line analogy.

1. Mathew N.O Sadiku: Elements of Electromagnetic, Oxford.
2. N.N. Rao: Element of Engineering Electromagnetic, Pearson Education.
3. William H. Hayt: Engineering Electromagnetic, TMH.
4. John D. Kraus: Electromagnetics, Mc. Graw Hill.
5. Jordan Balmian: Electromagnetic wave and Radiating System, PHI.
6. David K. Cheng: Electromagnetic Fields and Wave, Addison Wesley.
7. Ramo, Whinnerry and VanDuzzer “ Fields and waves in communication electronics “, Wiley 1984
8. Harrington RF, “Electromagnetic fields” Mc Graw Hill

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