RGPV / RGTU B.E. BM, 4th (IV) Semester syllabus BM 404 Electronic Circuits Revised syllabus Bio-Medical Engineering(BM)

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Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
B.E. (BM) Bio-Medical Engineering
404 Electronic Circuits syllabus
Revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination Effective from July 2007

Unit I Feedback Amplifiers: Concept of feedback, positive and negative feedback, voltage and current feedback, series and shunt feedback, effect of feedback on performance characteristics of
an amplifier, stability criterion.

Unit II Oscillators: Condition for sustained oscillation, R-C phase shift, Hartley, Colpitts, Crystal and wein bridge oscillators, Negative resistance Oscillator.

Unit III Transistor Circuit Techniques and amplifiers: Linear integrated circuits introduction, Differential amplifiers, configuration, Analysis using h parameters, Differential gain, common mode gain CMRR. Constant current sources, current mirrors, level shifting circuits, cascaded amplifier stages, direct coupled amplifiers, problem of drift, chopper amplifiers

Unit – IV Operational Amplifiers Specifications, imperfections in operational amplifiers. Slew Rate and its effect on full power bandwith, Input Offset voltage, Bias and offset currents, compensation, frequency response effects, Lag Compensation, application of OP.AMP Inverting and non inverting mode, differential mode, instrumentation amplifiers, comparator, Schmitt trigger, precision rectifiers, logarithmic amplifiers, Analogue computation, Summer, Average integrators, differentiators, scaling multipliers.

Unit-V Active Filters: Filter specifications, introduction to butter worth chebyshev, inverse chebyshev approximations and their comparison, first and second order low pass high pass, band
pass and band stop filters, switched capacitor filters, 555 timer and its applications V/F and F/V
converters, pulse generators, voltage to current to voltage converters.

1. Tobbey et al: OP-Amps their design and applications
2. R.A. Gayakwad: OP-Amps and Linear Integrated circuit, PHI
3. D.Raychowdhary and Shaul Jain: Linear Integrated Circuits
4. Millman & Halkias: Itegrated Electronics

List of Experiments (Expandable):
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps.
Step 1: Circuit should be designed/ drafted on paper.
Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using Simulation S/W (TINA-V7/ PSPICE/ Labview/ CIRCUIT MAKER).
Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results.
Step 4: The bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB prepared on PCB
1. Char. Of Op-Amp (input offset voltage, slew rate, CMRR, BW, input bias current.
2. Linear application of Op-Amp (voltage follower, inverting and non-inverting amplifier and their frequency response, adder, subtractor, differential amplifier, integrator and differential
frequency response)
3. Design and performance evaluation of feedback amplifiers.
4. Design and performance evaluation of oscillators.
5. Design and performance evaluation of various filters.

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